Virtueller Geocache

Ilica Public Bath

Thermal Spring in Ilica/Cesme

von Bundescacheminister     Griechenland

N 38° 18.793' E 026° 21.669' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Versteckt am: 09. November 2007
 Gelistet seit: 23. April 2008
 Letzte Änderung: 24. April 2011
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC587C
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

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0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
0 Beobachter
1 Ignorierer
71 Aufrufe
0 Logbilder

große Karte



It is one of the most interesting and unique thermal baths in the world that has its bath and beach in the same place. The avarage water temperature is 58 C. It contains sodium chlorium, potassium and magnesium chlorium. It is good for all chronic types of rheumatism, metabolism disorders like gut, obesity, rashitism, gynocological and skin diseases and painful illnesses of the liver and urinary tract. The thermal waters fed by many underground volcanic resources spurt from calcareous tufas, and cracks. To log the Earthcache please answer via email what is the public name of the fishes in the water, measure the temperature of the water at the time of your visit (any old thermometer will do) and also upload a photo in your log which shows you or your GPSr at the hot spring. The thermal waters fed by many underground volcanic resources spurt from calcareous tufas, and cracks.

Verschlüsselter Hinweis   Entschlüsseln

Vg vf bar bs gur zbfg vagrerfgvat naq havdhr gurezny onguf va gur
jbeyq gung unf vgf ongu naq ornpu va gur fnzr cynpr. Gur ninentr
jngre grzcrengher vf 58 P. Vg pbagnvaf fbqvhz puybevhz, cbgnffvhz
naq zntarfvhz puybevhz. Vg vf tbbq sbe nyy puebavp glcrf bs
eurhzngvfz, zrgnobyvfz qvfbeqref yvxr thg, borfvgl, enfuvgvfz,
tlabpbybtvpny naq fxva qvfrnfrf naq cnvashy vyyarffrf bs gur yvire
naq hevanel genpg. Gur gurezny jngref srq ol znal haqretebhaq
ibypnavp erfbheprf fcheg sebz pnypnerbhf ghsnf, naq penpxf. Gb ybt
gur Rnegupnpur cyrnfr nafjre ivn rznvy jung vf gur choyvp anzr bs
gur svfurf va gur jngre, zrnfher gur grzcrengher bs gur jngre ng
gur gvzr bs lbhe ivfvg (nal byq gurezbzrgre jvyy qb) naq nyfb
hcybnq n cubgb va lbhe ybt juvpu fubjf lbh be lbhe TCFe ng gur ubg
fcevat. Gur gurezny jngref srq ol znal haqretebhaq ibypnavp
erfbheprf fcheg sebz pnypnerbhf ghsnf, naq penpxf.



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