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Temporarily not availableThe geocache needs maintenance.

Traditional Geocache

NeoCraft Transfer LI #23- Elektroinstallateur

by NeoCraft     Liechtenstein

Attention! This Geocache is "Temporarily not available"! The geocache itself or parts of it are missing or there are other issues that make a successful search impossible. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 47° 06.958' E 009° 32.697' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: small
Status: Temporarily not available
 Hidden on: 17 January 2018
 Published on: 03 May 2018
 Last update: 15 February 2025
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC14791

3 Found
0 Not found
0 Notes
1 Maintenance log
1 Watcher
0 Ignorers
164 Page visits
0 Log pictures
Geokrety history

Large map



Description    български език (Bulgarian)  ·  Deutsch  ·  Português  ·  Türkçe

Електротехникът се грижи токът да бъде доставен до сградите. Той монтира кабели, жици, щепсели, гнезда и др. Той също така прави електрически компоненти, които са готови за инсталация.

Additional hint   Decrypt

[German] Ybbx ng gur ubyr va gur jnyy





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Log entries for NeoCraft Transfer LI #23- Elektroinstallateur    Found 3x Not found 0x Note 0x Maintenance 1x

OC-Team Temporarily not available The geocache needs maintenance. 15 February 2025 Schatzforscher has disabled the cache

Den vorliegenden Logs und einer vorliegenden Meldung zufolge ist der Cache beschädigt. Der Owner sollte hier dringend vor Ort erscheinen und die Lage überprüfen; bis dahin setze ich den Status auf "Momentan nicht verfügbar".
Sobald der Cache wieder gesucht werden kann, kann dies durch den Owner selbstständig wieder geändert werden.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.


Found The geocache needs maintenance. 06 February 2025, 11:20 afrigeri found the geocache

Found the cache but it is kinda forgotten. It definitely needs maintenance, since the log was damaged.

📅February 7, 2025; Friday
🏷️ OC14791


Found 06 May 2020 Jo360 found the geocache

Found 24 May 2018 delete_345036 found the geocache

-User gelöscht-

last modified on 18 June 2020