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Wanderung Forst Teufelssee - OC-BFC Bonus for Cleaning

Bonus for Cleaning: Collect the trash in nature on the hike and get a geocache point as a thank you.

por bfc-outdoor     Alemania > Berlin > Berlin

N 52° 25.201' E 013° 37.802' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: sin contenedor
Estado: disponible
 Tiempo requerido: 3:00 h   Distancia del camino: 10 km
 Ocultos en: 06. abril 2019
 Publicado en: 07. abril 2019
 Última actualización: 07. abril 2019
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC1527C

3 encuentran
0 no encontrado
0 Notas
5 Observado
3 Ignorado
44 Visitas
3 Los de imagenes
Historia Geokrety

Large map



Descripción    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglés)

Trash in nature is a big problem. Some of the trash is obviously caused by forest workers, others is carried by the wind or animals (rarely) into the forest or by forest visitors. A big problem is plastic waste, which decays in nature only within decades or centuries, but remains as microplastic and does not decompose.

But people do not watch anymore, they started to collect the garbage. Years ago I launched the BFC-BONUS FOR CLEANING on the Opencaching.de platform, so that mindful nature lovers can get a bonus point as a small reward for their activity.

And I want - not just as proof - that you post a photo of the collected garbage here so that everyone can see the waste that was in the nature. As a reminder for more mindfulness!

Requirement for logging:

Collect the garbage on your hike on the way, take a picture of the filled trash bag in the forest with your navigation device, where you can see the coordinates, and post it in the log.

Forest Behavior

Apart from any special exceptions, in general:

  • Do not cause noise.
  • Do not destroy fences and do not enter restricted areas.
  • Do not damage plants.
  • Do not destroy nest buildings.
  • Do not damage or manipulate signposts.
  • Do not light a fire in the forest.
  • Do not leave waste, no poster.
  • No general motor vehicle traffic.


Trash in the forrest
Trash in the forrest


Este geocache está probablemente en las siguientes áreas protegidas (Info): FFH-Gebiet Teufelsseemoor Köpenick (Información)

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encuentran 12. octubre 2024, 11:22 Frau_Schneeflocke ha encontrado el geocache

Zum Glück nicht viel Müll, aber das, was ich gefunden habe, habe ich auch mitgenommen.
Danke für's Legen.
Wieder einmal an einem tollen Ort gewesen und viel Spaß gehabt.
❄️ Frau_Schneeflocke
12. Oktober 2024 11:22

Imagen para el log de entrada

encuentran 10. enero 2021, 11:36 Unioner ha encontrado el geocache

Schöner Ausflug

encuentran 20. noviembre 2020, 13:15 Trauerweide666 ha encontrado el geocache

Gesagt, getan. Wir haben uns extra mit einer Mülltüte und Handschuhen bewaffnet und fleissig gesammelt. Erstaunlich was alles für Müll rumliegt. Habe leider beim Fotografieren mein Handy genutzt, so dass jetzt die GPS-Koordinaten nicht mit auf dem Bild sind, weshalb ich die Daten noch mal extra hab auslesen lassen und hoffe, dass das so reicht.

Imagen para el log de entrada