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Ignaz Semmelweis

Next level hand washing! :)

por TeamMB     Hungría > Közép-Magyarország > Budapest

N 47° 29.275' E 019° 04.052' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: sin contenedor
Estado: disponible
 Tiempo requerido: 0:05 h   Distancia del camino: 0.1 km
 Ocultos en: 09. agosto 2024
 Publicado en: 11. agosto 2024
 Última actualización: 11. agosto 2024
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC180BF

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5 Visitas
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Historia Geokrety

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Descripción    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglés)  ·  Magyar

About the location

Ignaz Semmelweis, a doctor from Buda, is also known as the "savior of mothers". Around 1840, he came up with the brilliant idea that hand hygiene (i.e. washing hands and utensils with a chlorine-containing solution when changing between different mothers giving birth) could reduce the transmission of pathogens. And it worked: There were significantly fewer patients with puerperal fever and as a result, many more patients who gave birth on his ward in the hospital survived. In this, however, he was a bit ahead of his time. In Vienna, the Hungarian doctor was at best laughed at for this. Despite his proven success, his suggestion was dismissed as unnecessarily complex and factually unfounded. It was only after his death that he received the recognition he deserved. Today, hygiene and disinfection should be a matter of course in other areas too. In his honour, the university in Budapest, founded in 1769, was named after him. It operates one of the oldest medical faculties in Europe, also offers German and English language courses and, despite high tuition fees, is attended by many Hungarian and international students. The preclinical course is taught in a relatively modern building a little way away, while the clinical course is taught in the historic building that shows its age. 


About the cache

In the courtyard of the historic university there is a monument to the namesake. It looks at the bust of an internist who was awarded the title of Baron (Baró) for his services. There are 8 digits (2 dates) on the column under the bust. The simple sum of the digits is the log password. Also add a photo of yourself or an object you brought with you in one of the university buildings to your log. 

Note: Parking is subject to a fee, entry to the courtyard is free! :)

Have fun! :)




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