At the west mole in Warnemünde
por jennergruhle Alemania > Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
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A mole is used as a breakwater and a harbour wall, which is often expanded on the protected inside as a dock for boats and ships. Today Warnemünde Westmole is the successor of a first stone construction from the 17th century and was expanded for the ferry to Denmark in 1896 and then again in 1903.
It has since a length of 541 m and bears since then a light beacon on the pier head. This facilitates incoming ships the entrance to the port of Rostock. Today's 12m tall form with green tower (green = starboard, right side when entering) was built in 1998.
From the mole, you have a good look at the boat departures/arrivals and the coastline near Warnemünde. The visit to the western mole can be very uncomfortable, depending on the weather, rough sea squirts here often the spray over the entire path.
The cache position is at the western outside of the y-shaped west mole, just where it splits in two parts.
The cache is at one of the few obvious possible positions...
The entire path is made of smooth concrete or asphalt and is also not a problem for prams and wheelchairs. The classification as terrain = 2 results from the length of the path.
Be extremely careful with the cache so that it does not get lost between the stones.
There is also a geocache at the east mole on the opposite side: OC257D
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Log de entrada por Warnemünde Westmole
20. noviembre 2024, 14:23 geospatz ha encontrado el geocache
Was für ein schön gewählter Platzfür einen Cache. Vielen Dank fürs Legen und Pflegen der Dose.
21. septiembre 2024, 23:20 remy martin ha encontrado el geocache
Im Team remX3 mit SasX3 beim Strandspaziergang gefunden und geloggt. Tftc sagt remy martin :)
14. septiembre 2024, 18:02 Reini55 ha encontrado el geocache
Urlaubstag Nr. 5 in Warnemünde, und natürlich wird auch hier gecacht.
Bei kräftigem Wind einmal die Mole rauf. Die Dose war schnell entdeckt, die vielen Muggels interessierten sich zum Glück nicht dafür.
Danke an jennergruhle für den Cache "Warnemünde Westmole".
Liebe Grüße aus Neu Wulmstorf von Reini55
14. September 2024
07. julio 2024, 14:38 Masltov ha encontrado el geocache
Auf unserer Geocaching-Runde gefunden. Danke fürs Legen und Pflegen.
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