Buscar Waypoint: 



D-Wagen / Tram D

Sightseeing tour by Tram D from Südbahnhof to Nussdorf - Distance to walk: ~300m, duration: ~1h (one-way only)

por CityRunner     Austria > Wien > Wien

¡Atención! Este geocache es "archivado"! No es un contenedor físico a las coordenadas especificadas (o los que tienen que determinar). ¡El interés del lugar no es necesariamente la búsqueda!

N 48° 11.280' E 016° 22.900' (WGS84)

 Convertir coordenadas
 Tamaño: normal
Estado: archivado
 Tiempo requerido: 2:00 h   Distancia del camino: 20 km
 Ocultos en: 29. julio 2007
 Publicado desde: 27. julio 2007
 Última actualización: 09. junio 2013
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC3CBC
También en la categoría de: geocaching.com 

17 encuentran
1 no encontrado
1 Nota
1 Maintenance log
4 Observado
0 Ignorado
1546 Visitas
0 Los de imagenes
Historia Geokrety

Large map



Descripción    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglés)

Vehicle types E1, E2 and 'ULF' B to 'Nußdorf'

The Challenge

Bad weather? Be tired of walking through Vienna all day? Anyway, a multi cache over 10 kilometres in length is waiting for you! Go by tram D from Südbahnhof (south station) to Nußdorf and respond some questions on the way. You will pass the magnificent buildings along the Ring, the bourgeois district of Alsergrund and the Gemeindebauten (community-subsidized tenement buildings) in Heiligenstadt before you arrive in pastoral Nußdorf with his Heurigen (wine taverns) and vineyards (more genuine than the tourist-traps in Grinzing!). To determinate the final coordinates you need the values of 10 variables. Maybe you miss a stage during your ride; therefore all variables can determinate two times (except c and x, you can find them aboard the tramway).

Please note!

  • You need a valid ticket.
  • Operating hours Tram D between 5.10am and 11.50pm, normally trains depart every 6 to 10 minutes, after 10.20pm and on Sunday until 7.50am every 15 minutes (time table).
  • Avoid rush hours (Mon-Fri 7-9am, 4-7pm).
  • If the Ring is closed in case of events as soon as in June 2008, there may be no tram service between Schwarzenbergplatz and Börse. It is possible there is a diversion via Stubentor and Schwedenplatz. Please look for notes at tram stops or visit the website of Wiener Linien.
  • Approx. every 4th tramway is low floor. Call +43 1 7909-100 (Mon-Fri 6am-10pm, Sat-Sun 8.30am-4.30pm) if you want to know when next low floor train departs.
  • Persons in wheel chairs and persons of short stature need help to grab the cache.
  • Use daytime for this cache. At darkness it is not easy to recognize all objects outside the tramway.

The Map

Below you can download a map split in 4 parts with sights and traditional caches along the route and also some interesting caches in the target area. The numbers in yellow squares references the following questions.
Map 1   Map 2   Map 3   Map 4

Get on, please!

Your tram starts the tour in the loop at N 48° 11.230', E 016° 22.970'. You are not allowed to trespass this area, so wait at the tram stop (N 48° 11.280', E 016° 22.900') and pay attention that your tram terminates at "Nußdorf".

1 Tour – 18 Questions

1Schloss Belvedere – Plößlgasse [look out right = R]
The several gates in the wall are flanked by...
A)statues a = 0
B)vases a = 1
C)lanterns a = 2
D)lions a = 3
2Schwarzenbergplatz [look out left = L]
How many legs of the horse on the monument in the centre of the place are touching the ground?
A)one a = 3
B)two a = 0
C)three a = 1
D)four a = 2
3Oper – Burgring [R]
Between the track of the tramway and the front side of the state opera there is/are...
A)several tram stops (STRASSENBAHN HALTESTELLE) b = 4
B)several bus stops (AUTOBUS HALTESTELLE) b = 5
C)a taxi stand (TAXI Standplatz) b = 6
D)a cab stand (Fiaker Standplatz) b = 7
4Burgring – Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring [R]
On the right and left sides of the Burgtor two smaller gates are in the fence. These are flanked by...
A)eagles d = 5
B)lions d = 6
C)statues d = 7
D)banners d = 8
5Dr.-Karl-Renner-Ring – Stadiongasse/Parlament [L]
The place in front of the parliament is separated from the roadway with...
A)cubes b = 5
B)balls b = 4
C)cylinders b = 7
D)cones b = 6
6Rathausplatz/Burgtheater [R]
Near the main entrance of the Bugtheater (the three doors in the middle) a white board with red-white flags is attached. Where?
A)left of the doors e = 9
B)between the doors e = 1
C)over the doors e = 3
D)right of the doors e = 5
7Rathausplatz/Burgtheater – Schottentor [R]
What stands on the monument opposite the university?
A)a man with a top hat w = 4
B)a horse w = 8
C)a canon w = 0
D)a golden angel w = 1
8Börse [L]
Opposite to the old stock exchange building (Börse) you can find a well known geographical name (in german). It refers to...
A)a forest d = 8
B)a river d = 5
C)a mountain d = 6
D)a sea d = 7
9Börse – Schlickgasse [R]
How many windows are combined into groups in the lowest floor of this "castle"?
A)two v = 2
B)three v = 3
C)four v = 4
D)five v = 5
10Bauernfeldplatz [L]
Which measure stands for culinary pleasure on this square?
A)Maß (1 litre of beer) e = 1
B)Pfund (pound) e = 3
C)Centimeter (centimetre) e = 5
D)Hektar (hectare) e = 9
The tram stop and the entrance to the station are partly roofed over. Of which material does the roof consist?
A)wood v = 4
B)concrete v = 5
C)glass v = 2
D)synthetic v = 3
12Augasse [L]
Inside of the tramway loop there is a…
A)children's playground w = 8
B)fountain w = 4
C)monument w = 0
D)small building w = 1
13Liechtenwerder Platz – Spittelau, Radelmayergasse [R]
Immediate after leaving the tram stop you can see an office building on the right side, with huge letters and a big golden ball on the top. The text is...
A)MVA Spittelau y = 9
B)Wien Energie y = 7
C)Hundertwasser y = 4
D)Fernwärme Wien y = 2
14Spittelau, Radelmayergasse – Rampengasse [aboard the tram]
If one presses the button for door opening between the stations,...
...how many red LEDS shine? (low floor vehicle)
A)one c = 0
B)three c = 2
C)six c = 4
D)eight c = 6
...which text lights up red? (other vehicles)
A)Aussteigen Bitte Knopf drücken c = 0
B)Nicht aussteigen bevor Zug hält c = 2
C)Zug hält Tür öffnet selbsttätig c = 4
D)Zug hält an nächster Station c = 6
15Rampengasse – Gunoldstraße
Left you see a park, afterwards a bridge spans the road. Of which material does this bridge consist?
A)steel y = 2
B)concrete y = 4
C)wood y = 7
D)bricks y = 9
16Heiligenstadt, 12.-Februar-Platz – Halteraugasse [R]
In the large, open yard of the complex of residential buildings many masts are located. Which colour do these have?
A)red z = 5
B)blue z = 2
C)green z = 8
D)gray z = 0
17Grinzinger Straße – Sickenberggasse [aboard the tram]
Which is the number of the current tram route section?
A)0 x = 7
B)3 x = 9
C)6 x = 2
D)9 x = 5
18Nußdorf [R]
Which colour has the front of the railway station building of NUSSDORF?
A)red z = 5
B)blue z = 2
C)green z = 8
D)yellow z = 0

Endstation. Bitte alle aussteigen!

Get off at terminal stop "Nußdorf, Beethovengang" (N 48° 15.590', E 016° 21.760') and be prepared for a short walk.

The Cache

The cache is hidden at N 48° ab.cde', E 016° vw.xyz'.
Search for a 2-litres plastic box (approx. 10×7×25 cm).
If you have problems to find the box: When The Little Prince looks down at you, go thirty metres southwards and consider the famous quote: ‘It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye’.

Hint: 100 metres southwards of the hiding place:

Ayuda adicional   Descripción

frabgf lyrfbby av frybu ren rerug



Endstation "Nußdorf"
Endstation "Nußdorf"
3 Züge der Linie D (Background)
3 Züge der Linie D (Background)
Map (Part 1)
Map (Part 1)
Map (Part 2)
Map (Part 2)
Map (Part 3)
Map (Part 3)
Map (Part 4)
Map (Part 4)


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Screwpuller por netcrocodile

Log de entrada por D-Wagen / Tram D    encuentran 17x no encontrado 1x Nota 1x Maintenance 1x

OC-Team archivado 09. junio 2013, 14:00 Opencaching.de has archived the cache

Dieser Cache ist seit mehr als einem Jahr „momentan nicht verfügbar“; daher wird er automatisch archiviert. Er kann vom Besitzer jederzeit instand gesetzt und reaktiviert werden.

encuentran 10. abril 2011 Hynz ha encontrado el geocache

Heute konnte ich die Dose die bei meinem ersten Besuch vor einem Jahr verschwunden war bergen. Ein wirklich netter Cache der in eine Gegend fuehrt die sich im beginnenden Fruehling sehr sehenswert praesentiert. Thanx, no trade.

encuentran 11. diciembre 2010 schaitti ha encontrado el geocache

Bei schlechtem Wetter und randvollen Straßenbahnen diesen unterhaltsamen Cache gemacht.Die Leute dachten sicher wir wären nicht ganz beeinander, aber das war nur noch lustiger. Danke für den Cache schaitti

encuentran 22. agosto 2010 Ina aus Wien ha encontrado el geocache

Die Stationen wurden immer mal wieder "zizerlweise" erledigt. Obwohl ich oft mit dem D-Wagen fahre, konnte ich die meisten Fragen gar nicht mal so einfach beantworten, da musste ich wirklich vorbeifahren. Schon witzig, dass man für so manches Detail überhaupt keine Augen hat. Umso schöner, wenn man durchs Cachen auf die Details gelenkt wird.
Heute haben wir es endlich zum Final geschafft - und sind mit einer schönen großen Dose belohnt worden.

Vielen Dank :-)
Ina aus Wien

no encontrado 14. febrero 2010 Hynz no han encontrado el geocaching

Nett gemachter Cache hab aber an der Endlocation kein Versteck gefunden. Der anschliessende Spaziergang durch die verschneiten Weingaerten war aber sehr nett und dabei sogar zwei Tradis mitgenommen. Ich werds bei waermeren Temperaturen wieder mal probieren. Thanx.