Check your mobile GPS device!
par djti Allemagne > Bremen > Bremen, Kreisfreie Stadt
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Nobody will argue that we need mobile GPS receivers for our hobby. But probably everyone of us had already had a problem with inaccurate coordinates. Whether they come from the GPS receiver or not carefully measured coordinates by the owner is difficult to tell.
In case your GPS receiver is the problem, you will find it out here! At the given coordinates you will find the first public reference point for GPS receivers in the city of Bremen.[reference]
log conditions:
Visit the reference point. Put your GPS receiver on the middle of the plate and compare your coordinates with the ones shown on the plate. Please comment on the accuracy of your machine in your log entry (ideally with mentioning the type of GPS you are using). If you can also provide a picture, it is even better.
On the north eastern side of the stone you will find a small metal plate. The number of letters of the longest word is needed as a password (two digits) to log this cache online.
By the way, my GPS (Garmin etrex 30) gave me the following data:
coordinates: N 53° 04.496' E 008° 48.223'
altitude: 0 m
This is good enough for me. So, now it's your turn. Have fun!
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Logs pour GPS-Referenzpunkt Bremen
08. novembre 2024, 21:55 apam666 trouvé la géocache
Wochenendvisite in Bremen...nebenbei wurde natürlich auch vermehrt Ausschau gehalten, gesucht und signiert. So auch hier. Fast...dank ungenauer Handymessung trotzdem gefunden😅
Gruß aus Hamm, der heimlichen Mini-Multi-Hauptstadt Westfalens.
25. octobre 2024, 16:10 dieKratzer trouvé la géocache
25. juin 2024, 20:13 wombatmann trouvé la géocache
Diese Referenzpunkte mag ich ja - wie schön, dass es hier einen virtuellen OC-Cache gibt.
Bei der Nord-Koordinate war mein Android Smartphone sehr genau, bei der Ost-Koordinate lag es etwas daneben, aber trotzdem viel genauer als jedes reine GPS-Gerät.
Vielen Dank für diesen virtuellen Cache.