A puzzle somewhere between mystery and multi.
par medwediza Allemagne > Niedersachsen > Nienburg (Weser)
Attention ! Cette géocache est "archivé"! Il n'y a pas une conteneur physique aux coordonnées spécifiées (ou déterminées). Dans l'intérêt de l'endroit il ne devrait pas être nécessairement à la recherche !
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Description Deutsch · English (Anglais)
A puzzle somewhere between mystery and multi. If you don't know Nienburg, you have to prepare you good and must look and ask people there. You will need some knowledge about mathematics. A bicycle can help very much. If you come with public transport you will arrive on the start-position, otherwise you will need it only "virtual".
A puzzle for people, which know Nienburg or want to get to know.
To find the cache, you have to play Memory. There are nine micros hidden around Nienburg in an approximate (very approximate!!!) rectangular formation. In every micro you will find an image of an animal. First you have to find the micros - and this may be the greatest challenge, because you don't know the coordinates. To solve this problem you have three aids:
52° 38.690' 009° 12.972' |
In the coordinates the same letter means allways the same digit. So it becomes more and more easy to find the next waypoints. Use this table to write down the relations between letters and digits:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K |
There are four pairs of animals and one unique image. The position of this waypoint is the point P you need to calculate the final position. You will need it later. On the backside of the card you can find a letter. In the right order all this letters will give you an additional hint (sorry, in German).
Most cards are placed in glasses. You can see them from outside and it's not nessecery to open them. Please let them closed - the paper will live longer.
To calculate the final position you will need the so called "Bogenschnitt". Now you need some knowledge abount trigonometry or you have to construct it graphically:
The distance from the start-coordinates to the final are H.IKK meters, the distance from the Point P are H.CEK meters. From the both mathematically possible positions the right one is closer to a dog.
Because it's not easy to draw or to calculate it exactly, you will find here some additional hints:
You will need a screwdriver.
Happy hunting!
Waypoint 1: Near the lake; two identical boxes in the willow, for one you must climb, for the other one look on the ground!.
Waypoint 2: In the past here was a bridge across the Führser Mühlbach. Now you will find only some ruins here; so come from the direction fron Nienburg or you have to cross the creek.
Waypoint 3: In the ground.
Waypoin 4: Magnetic. If you don't know this place, you will find a nice "bonus".
Waypoint 5: Very small magnetic nano on the backside off the object left. Please hide it very good again!
Waypoint 6: Between rock and tree. If you don't find it: there is a copy under the beech on the right side of the stone (a small "stone"). Near a shootingplace.
Waypoint 7: In the concrete; right side.
Waypoint 8: Not on the ground. Hard to open.
Waypoint 9: Not on the ground. Very hard to open.
Indice additionnels Déchiffrer
Ybbx sbe gur qrfpevcgvbaf bs bgure pnpurf nebhaq, gbb. / Sbe pnyphyngvba vg'f orggre gb hfr gur HGZ-tevq. Sbe gur tencuvpny fbyhgvba n gbcbtencuvp znc jvgu fpnyr bar gb gjraglsvirgubhfraq vf svar.
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Logs pour Nienburger Memory
23. octobre 2020 medwediza a archivé la géocache
Der Cache ist nicht mehr zu lösen. Die Finaldose sammel ich Anfang Dezember ein. Wer die Fnalkoordinaten schon hat, kann bis dahin noch loggen.
07. janvier 2020 Scheune07 trouvé la géocache
09. juin 2013 medwediza a écrit une note
Heute habe ich endlich Zeit gefunden, das Nienburger Memory einmal komplett zu überprüfen. Einige Wegpunkte habe ich erneuert, einen musste ich etwas verlegen, da das Versteckobjekt nicht mehr existiert. Neues Foto folgt morgen. Im Final habe ich das Logbuch getauscht.
04. mars 2012 medwediza a écrit une note
Heute war ich auf Wartungstour in Nienburg und habe zwei fehlende Stages erneuert. Jetzt müsste alles wieder O.K. sein.
06. mai 2011 Team Hexagon trouvé la géocache
Was soll man sagen, ein Cache wie er sein sollte. 100%ig ausgearbeitet - hier stimmt alles. Wir hatten 2 Nachmittage voll zu tun, um die Stationen zu finden.
Dabei hatten wir super viel Spaß und vor allem bestes Wetter. Zum Final sind wir
dann nochmal extra angerückt, hier kommt man mit "handelsüblichem" Schuhwerk nicht
weiter. Eigendlich wollten wir noch mehr ins Logbuch schreiben, nur die Mücken
wollten es nicht