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Rancho de Pascua

sculpture in honour of an unique music group

di Riedxela     Spagna > Canarias

N 29° 03.553' W 013° 33.603' (WGS84)

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 Dimensioni: nessun contenitore
Stato: disponibile
 Nascosta il: 29. gennaio 2020
 Pubblicata il: 30. gennaio 2020
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 30. gennaio 2020
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC15D82

5 trovata
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0 Note
1 Osservatore
0 Ignorata
33 Pagina visite
2 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

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Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

At the geo-coordinates you find a statue made of bronze which was erected to honour an ethnic music group which carry on an unique tradition of the town Teguise.

Some hundreds of years ago the rite of the "Ranchos de Animas" came from the spanish continent to the canary islands. Originally from November until February they moved from door to door to collect money and prayed for the salvation of decendents while singing and dancing. Over the years and years the Ranchos de Animas were doing this rite only during christmas time and henceforth they were called "Ranchos de Pascuas". 

Nowadays in the night of the 24. December you can experience beside the christmas prays a noisy spectacle in the church "Nuestra Senora de Guadelupe" and on the square in front of the church making it an unique and uncommonly mixture of old canary and christian traditions. During the "Rancho de Pascua" the group chant the praises to the birth of Jesus Christ, to Mary and to Joseph. The most common played instrument are the tambourines to accompany the praises. The christmas eve is celebrated here more cheerful than you commonly know it. Here you can watch a youtube video of a "Rancho de Pascua": external link

Beside the statue there is a plate which tells you about the history and specialties of this tradition in spanish and english language. On this plate you find two year dates. The password to log this cache: calculate the difference of the both year dates. 

One remark: each Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. there is held the famous Teguise market which is visited by many tourists. It can be very crowded here and the statue could be hardly recognized. I recommend to visit Teguise not during market times to enjoy the charm of the Lanzarote's oldest town. You can get to Teguise also by public transport from town Arrecife and Costa Teguise.

Have fun while visiting Teguise and the virtual cache.

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Log per Rancho de Pascua    trovata 5x non trovata 0x Nota 0x

trovata 10. febbraio 2025, 12:31 Lineflyer ha trovato la geocache

Second full day of our vacation on Lanzarote. Today was Teguise day, so we strived through the whole village doing all the caches and enjoyinh the nice buildings and sculptures.

Thanks for this OC cache!

#555, 11:31 Uhr.

Geloggt mit [c:geo für Android](https://www.cgeo.org)

Immagini per questo log:

trovata 24. gennaio 2025, 12:38 Warris ha trovato la geocache

Heute ging es mit dem CM nach Teguise.Ein wunderschöner Ort mit einer interessanten Geschichte. Die Skulptur konnte ich gut finden.
Vielen Dank für den Cache und schöne Grüße an

trovata 12. aprile 2024, 14:15 305er ha trovato la geocache

Bei unserer Kreuzfahrt durch die Kanaren auch hier vorbei gekommen.

Danke fürs zeigen des schönen Ortes.

Immagini per questo log:

trovata 21. gennaio 2022 Googes ha trovato la geocache


Nach einem Jahr Pause wegen Corona nun wieder auf Lanzarote. Bein nicht so schönen Wetter eine Cachetoure gemacht und den dabei geloggt.

trovata 06. dicembre 2020, 12:00 SkubDeMon ha trovato la geocache

Dann wollen wir mal die ERSTEN sein!!!

CoolKüssend SkubDeMon