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Wer glaubt schon an den Osterhasen?

oh... why do I still make this job..... nobody believes in me......

di npg     Austria > Oberösterreich > Traunviertel

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N 47° 57.394' E 013° 19.624' (WGS84)

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 Dimensioni: normale
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 0:40 h   Lunghezza percorso: 1.0 km
 Nascosta il: 07. aprile 2007
 Pubblicata dal: 07. aprile 2007
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 04. marzo 2025
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC32DB
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

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77 Pagina visite
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Storia Geoketry

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Cache lists

Ostercaches di Slini11

Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

Advisory board for psychic distressed animals:

Next one . Hey, you with the long ears... '
'Bunny my name. Easter Bunny. why am I here. I dont know, my job...nobody believes in me.... Once a year i run my legs wound, hopping this way and there... mostly i'm right in time-a bit distreessing - but beautiful. But for now..some doubts... nobody takes me for real, or believe still in me. Im old...... against the computericed easterbunnys no chance... schluchz '

Uiuiui... you sound heavy depressed. Good man- you should take a break - finding something to be in people focus yearround... I send you to the fairydepartment, perhaps they can fulfill you a long-preserved desire ..

It's A Fay :Here comes desire true
Feather Rainbowshimmer

- Hello.... i see - a transfer. ... hold still! ... Desire for attention. and relaxation.... you cant sit down?...
Will be 'in' in the modern world......please sit still.... hach...
here is a address - he can perhaps help you. Hides also from time to time something - in a somewhat modern way. ...
stop! ... tell him it should be EASY s..... away he is....... Hach, I can not work in such a way.

Somewhere in the forest: Its pleasure to run trough the forest, completely alone....... . only a great bunny runs there beside me.... ... a Bunny? ... Outsch...
' Oh, sorry.. didn't want to frighten you by your walk.. . can I help you up?' - ' Walk? It's running.' - ' Running..hihi..if this would be running, so i would have a yearlong fulltime-job... bunny my name Easter Bunny'
..Nervs, hallucinations? ... do not believe at the easterbunny... hmm.. witches, fairys, kite, Smirz... ' what did you want from me?'.
Later: ' A Cache for the easterbunny..sounds pretty... a heavy Mystery... what was first there the easterbunny or the easteregg ... with treasure map and mystic Symb..' -
' stop!... It should be simple.... I know a place, we can walk there... . '
20 sec. later: ' Aeh....run on... forward...i come.... with car ...GPS...and so..i need...'

On th Location: ' Hmm-ok,here... a multi?' ... 'Multi?' - ', 1 or 2 questions, and one receives the position. Find something... '
' They could be supposed to ask the priester where to go '
' why - are under the priests some who could help cachers in vein?' - ' Who is a faithful go outside into the world and find his way.'

'He, Easterbunny... you sounds... hmm, not like a Easterbunny. - Well, and from there bearing.....'
' Follow my traces? I'm experienced in hides.' - ' Where?' - ' Well ,where the priest have them sent... ... There they four times find my trace... so its near..the end of the race... '
'... your traces follow... however who believes really at the easterbunny?' -
' Hmmm, tunes... maybe coming around sometimes...and often recovering here sometimes with family, friends, helpers .... that bearing you can preserve for later times...'
- ' helpers?' - ' family business - have a large family - you believe Iaint all this eggs alone?-... What do you think about my Cache?'

' sounds nevertheless completely nice, - and if all carefully hide everything again ...maybe the easterbunny sometimes comes outside the eastertime... '
'sounds madly... so, must away - the work calls.'

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genpr: frnepu uvtu (jung uvqrf gur rnfgreohaal?)



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Log per Wer glaubt schon an den Osterhasen?    trovata 3x non trovata 1x Nota 0x Manutenzione 1x

archiviata 04. marzo 2025 npg ha archiviato la cache

Hier glaubt keiner mehr an den Osterhasen- man hat quasi alle Wege zu ihm auf privat gestellt..

Kein Wunder dass er ausgebüxt ist.

trovata 11. aprile 2014 mike3000 ha trovato la geocache

Gemeinsam mit brandy 1965 auf den Spuren vom Osterhasen gewandelt. Hinweise, Spuren, Nachrichten.... was sollte das alles bedeuten? Der Osterhase ? Denkste, kein Hase weit und breit, weder 4 noch 2 beinig. Nur Wirrwarr. Dann doch eine Nachricht, scheint vertrauenswürdig zu sein, also nix wie hin.... Such ! Erst wieder nix, aber dann doch der Beweis, das es Ihn gibt, das Nest wurde gefunden. Aber vom Hasen selbst weit und breit nichts. Irgendwann erwisch ich Ihn, nur nicht aufgeben. DFDC !

non trovata 07. luglio 2007 M & Ms non ha trovato la geocache

We really do believe in the easter bunny.
Somehow, we didn't find a trace today.
We'll try again.

Martina & Michael

trovata 21. aprile 2007 FranzV ha trovato la geocache

Endlich gefunden. Jetzt im nachhinein ist nicht zu verstehen warum ich die richtige Spur nicht schon bei einem früheren Besuch entdeckt hatte. Ist wirklich einfacher als die Beschreibung vermuten lässt, vielleicht lag es daran.
Es führt eben auch Geradlinigkeit und nicht immer Kurvendenken zum Ziel. Danke npg für diese Erfahrung.
in: Coin Louisiana, Anhänger d.kl.Apfel
out: TB Metaxa, gelbes Ei
Viele Grüsse, FranzV

trovata 11. aprile 2007 Tintl ha trovato la geocache

super originelle Beschreibung ung ganz schön gefinckelt. Wäre uns nicht aus Zufall NPG über den Weg gelaufen, wer weiss, ob wir den Cache je gefunden hätten,....

IN: Phillipinische Münze; Marienkäfer
OUT: Travel Bug

Grüße, Tintl & Co.