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Klenkes 2005 - Der Preuswald

can be done with montainbike

di Captain Cook     Germania > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Aachen, Kreisfreie Stadt

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 50° 44.127' E 006° 02.706' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: archiviata
 Nascosta il: 28. luglio 2005
 Pubblicata dal: 03. ottobre 2005
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 20. novembre 2022
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC01D6
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

38 trovata
1 non trovata
2 Note
4 Log manutenzione
4 Osservata
0 Ignorata
313 Pagina visite
1 Immagine di log
Storia Geoketry
2 Raccomandazioni

Mappa grande


Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)


You´ll start at the "Lütticher Straße" which separates the two forest districts ("Linzenshäuschen" and Adamshäuschen").
The name “Preuswald” does not contain the German word for Prussia (Preussen), but it is a short form for the antiquated used word “Preus” which means boarder.
This is also the reason why you can find the “Preuswald” in Germany, Belgium and in the Netherlands, too.
Formerly this boarder separated the district of Aachen and the duchy of Limburg.

I am going to show you a part of the German “Preuswald” area.

- Overall distance around 1,8 Km. (1.11 miles), also very suitable for mountain bikes.
- It is not really suitable for buggies because of a short higher upward gradient.
- The way is a permanent forest walk-around way so it could be muddy!

WP 1
Please park your vehicle at N50° 44.127 E006° 02.706.
Bus stop: “Pumpstation” which can also be reached by bus-line 24 (please see time-tables at www.avv.de).

Directly in front of you there was a railway-bridge which crossed "Lütticher Straße”.
There you could find a letter followed by three digits - C 006 - and the passage height of 4 m.

Number of the letter in the alphabet = A
The three digits = BCD
Passage height = E

WP 2
Follow the way into the woods and go to N50° 44.168 E006° 02.439, then turn right to

WP 3
N50° 44.(D-E)(A+D)(D) E006° 02.A((D*D*A)-(D+A))
There you will find an old boundary stone with the number =FGHI

WP 4
Keep on going, it is just a few meters which separates you from finding the cache.
N50° 44.(I-D)(F*3)(I/A) E006° 02.(I/A)I(F*C)

Please watch out for muggles when you log the cache because there could be a lot of people around.
It is a very small Tupperware container so please bring small stuff to exchange.

table for the cyphers:




Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

Va n ovt gerr fghzc



Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet LSG-Aachen <Teilflaeche 1> (Informazioni)

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Log per Klenkes 2005 - Der Preuswald    trovata 38x non trovata 1x Nota 2x Manutenzione 4x

archiviata 20. novembre 2022 Captain Cook ha archiviato la cache

trovata 10. gennaio 2022, 20:30 -fantastic-4- ha trovato la geocache

Heute geht es noch vor Dienstbeginn zum Preuswald. Der kurze Multi passt da sehr gut in den Plan. Was man vor Ort suchen muss, wurde schnell entdeckt.
Auch das Final war gut zu finden. Das Logbuch ist nass und müsste dringend ausgetauscht werden. DfdC!

Da wir nun auch bei OC zu finden sind, muss ich langsam mal die Logs übertragen.

trovata 28. dicembre 2019, 17:52 Ringelkrat ha trovato la geocache

Vielen Dank für den Cache!

Schade, dass die Brücke nicht mehr da war. So hatten wir eigentlich nicht viele Hinweise, die wir bergen mussten. Der Weg war ziemlich schlammig heute. Den Cache konnten wir gut finden. Das Logbuch ist sehr feucht!

trovata Raccomandata 01. gennaio 2018 Gillio7 ha trovato la geocache

Gefunden bereits im letzten Jahr

disponibile 29. agosto 2017 Captain Cook fatto manutenzione sulla cache

Die Gegebenheiten stimmen wieder mit dem gc-listing überein