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Knoff Hoff!

A little more challenging 'training round' for 'real' geocachers. ;-)

di West468     Germania > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 51° 56.983' E 007° 35.800' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: normale
Stato: archiviata
 Nascosta il: 12. novembre 2005
 Pubblicata dal: 12. novembre 2005
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 15. luglio 2011
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC0AB4
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

6 trovata
1 non trovata
9 Note
1 Osservatore
1 Ignorata
29 Pagina visite
1 Immagine di log
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande


Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)


As from now, Lake Aa in the heart of Münster can be used as a "geocaching training area", too! ;-)
In good weather, the cache hunt, which takes place within N 51° 5x.xxx' und E 007° 3x.xxx', should be specially challenging
because of the many geomuggles around.
You can park your vehicle at stage 1.

After I carried some ideas for this cache with me for months, I teamed up with Svotti,
and together we spotted locations, collected and discussed ideas, refined them, abandoned some
and rearranged others...

The result of this co-production is a cache which, we hope, you will like and which will contribute
to some diversification in our geocaching region.
Hopefully we succeeded in building in a few nice surprises. ;-)
The cache is a true multi (and not an offset) cache; we deliberately tried to make it a bit more challenging.

With this cache you can practice searching and the ability to look closely.
There are no boring calculations and finger exercises on the mobile.
No riddles to solver either (but you should stay alert ;-)).
It's all about searching and finding, which is the gist of geocaching anyway.

It's hard to estimate how much time you will need, but we believe it will keep you busy for quite some time.
Allow for at least three hours; that's why this cache is not suitable for smaller children.
Bring patience also on account of the geomuggles...

A distance of several kilometers has to be covered. It's best to be on foot. Most paths are not for bicycles.
Buggies would be cumbersome.
Don't give up too quickly! On the other hand, if you get too wound up with the cache, it might be advisable
to have a good night's sleep and start a new attempt another day.

About the terrain and difficulty ratings: the Geocache Rating System suggested D 3 T 3.
There are a few spots which tend to T 3, but since most of the time you will be on good pathways (T 1 or 1.5),
we thought T 3 would be too high.
Even harder to rate is the difficulty. In our opinion, D 3, also in regard to other caches around, would have been too low.
Of course, the perception of the difficulty surely depends to a considerable degree on experience.
Advanced geocachers might therefore argue for D 3, less experienced cachers for D 4. The truth might be in between. ;-)

There is no need to print out the cache description page (but don't forget the start coordinates at home!)
since it does not contain any hints that would help when you are on the cache hunt.
If you want, you can have a look at the encrypted hint where a few things are mentioned that could be useful to bring.
There are not necessarily required though. Professional cachers who trust their equipment won't have to look. ;-)

Enjoy the beautiful scenery; perhaps you even have time enough for a visit to one of the sights nearby
(All-weather-zoo, Westphalian Museum for Nature Study with planetarium or the open-air museum Mühlenhof-Freilichtmuseum).

We don't expect any errors to be in the tasks.
The coordinates were measured on several days, at different times of day, and usually with two GPS receivers.
Thus, discrepancies should be fairly low.

Please avoid hints ("spoilers") in your log entries!! Geocachers that tackle the cache after you will be thankful...
Pay attention that you leave the stages in a reasonable condition, ideally the way you found it!
And be careful at all times at all stages!!

Of course we will be happy to offer any form of help (descriptions, photos, "assisted caching"??)
that you might need, if you are willing to accept it.

The cache has also been listed at www.geocaching.com and www.navicache.com.

Happy geocaching and good luck!

Svotti & West468

p. s. Many thanks to team UlRai for the cache container. :-)

Last cache check: Mon, 09/04/2006, ca. 21:00 -- Everything is in order! :-)

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

[EN] Guvatf gung pbhyq orpbzr hfrshy:
cra naq cncre, qvtvgny pnzren, zveebe, gbepu



Cache mit Anfangsinhalt
Cache mit Anfangsinhalt
Der berühmte Cache-Elch im Cache
Der berühmte Cache-Elch im Cache


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Log per Knoff Hoff!    trovata 6x non trovata 1x Nota 9x

Nota 16. novembre 2006 West468 ha scritto una nota

Leider wirds nun Zeit fürs Archiv. Frown

non trovata 15. novembre 2006 vonRichthofen non ha trovato la geocache

Nach einer dreiviertel Stunde vergeblicher Suche und Rücksprache mit West, sind wir zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass Station 1 wohl verschollen ist. Bitte mal nachsehen.

Schöne Grüße

Nota 04. settembre 2006 West468 ha scritto una nota

Eine Station ersetzt, Cache mit neuem Logbuch bestückt,
es kann weitergehen!

Nota 25. agosto 2006 West468 ha scritto una nota

Die Station, an der die letzten Sucher gescheitert sind,
ist leider weg. Zumindest habe ich sie nicht wiederfinden
können trotz intensiver Suche. Auch hier, wie bei der
Station davor, hat die Natur den D-Level erhöht...

Leider wurde auch der Cache gemuggelt. Dose (enthielt noch
den laminierten Hinweis für Zufallsfinder) und Deckel
sowie einige (mir bekannte) Trading Items fanden sich in
der näheren Umgebung wieder. Das Logbuch ist leider
verschollen.Frown Wenn der Cache samt Inhalt einfach
ausgekippt wurde, gibt es die Botanik vielleicht irgendwann
mal wieder frei...

In Kürze bekommt der Cache ein neues Logbuch, und die eine
Station wird repariert.
Alle anderen Stationen sind in Ordnung.

Nota 07. giugno 2006 West468 ha scritto una nota

Wartungsarbeiten abgeschlossen. Eine Station konnte wegen
hohen Muggelaufkommens nicht überprüft werden, wir gehen
aber davon aus, dass alles in Ordnung ist.
(Nachtrag: ist i. o.)

Noch mal die Bitte, bei allen Stationen mit VOR-SICHT
zu Werke zu gehen und stets auf Muggels zu achten!