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Quiz Geocache

Sverige för en Kväll

di NevermindMe     Svezia > Norra Mellansverige > Gävleborgs län

N 62° 05.000' E 017° 22.750' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: micro
Stato: disponibile
 Tempo necessario: 1:00 h 
 Nascosta il: 03. gennaio 2019
 Pubblicata il: 03. gennaio 2019
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 04. gennaio 2019
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC14F9D
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

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44 Pagina visite
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Storia Geoketry

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Descrizione    English (Inglese)

This is the fourth Time for us to visit Sweden in early November. The FAD-Mega Event is always worth a visit so we'll try our best to be there next year as well... and the year after. icon_smile_wink.gif To be recognized as a team we designed our own Hoodies - they were infact inspired by that stick figure of one of the best knows swedish companies! 



This Year we felt that it was time to give something back after having had so much fun with all the swedish Caches! It had to be a very small Night-Cache of course... icon_smile_wink.gif

A big thank you goes out to mrpeterh who volunteered to look after this cache if something is wrong with it!


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