Ricerca waypoint: 
Geocache Sconosciuta


di DcCow     Germania > Rheinland-Pfalz > Kaiserslautern, Landkreis

N 49° 23.957' E 007° 38.817' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: disponibile
 Nascosta il: 30. gennaio 2012
 Pubblicata dal: 30. gennaio 2012
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 30. gennaio 2012
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OCDAA3

7 trovata
0 non trovata
0 Note
4 Osservata
0 Ignorata
417 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande


Necessaria preparazione

Descrizione    English (Inglese)

Translation Pt_flag.gif vz687.jpg 2rfeqkm.jpg 2i26e0x.jpg 2akhems.jpg vxdth4.jpg



The cache is not at the coordinates listed above. It is located within 2.5 km of the coordinates.

If you have ever played the game Battleship you will quickly get the idea on how to find this cache.

BattleCache is played by using GeoCheck. If you have solved puzzles before, you are probably aware of this site. It is used to confirm coordinates for puzzle caches. GeoCheck will be the playing board to solve and confirm the coordinates for this Cache.

First off, remember that the BattleCache is located within 2.5 km of the posted coordinates - that is your play area.

Click on the link to GeoCheck below and insert your first coordinate guess (you can used the above coordinates if you like) and fire your first shot. You will be provided a response either telling you found the correct coordinates, or that the coordinates are not quite correct. Also, you will be provided a distance range to the battlecache (note that only a range of distance is provided, no bearing). Using the distance information from previous shots, will allow you to zoom in on the cache coordinates. This could be easy or hard, depending on how methodical you go about it.

Keep in mind, that your guns will get hot as you fire, you will only be able to shoot 10 times in a rolling 10 minute period, so make sure your shots count.

Note: If you get 'Sorry, that answer is not correct' response, your shot went outside the play area.

Good luck on Sinking my BattleCache!!

Here is your BattleCache Gameboard:


This page was generated by GeoPT Listing Generator


Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Biosphärenreservat Pfälzerwald (Informazioni), Naturpark Pfälzerwald (Informazioni)

Cerca geocache vicine: tutte - ricercabile - stesso tipo
Scarica come file: GPX - LOC - KML - OV2 - OVL - TXT - QR-Code
Scaricando questo file accetti i nostri termini di utilizzo e la Licenza dati.

Log per BattleCache!!    trovata 7x non trovata 0x Nota 0x

trovata 18. luglio 2021, 13:42 JochenJung ha trovato la geocache

Schon Ewigkeiten gelöst. Heute mal in der Gegend gewesen. Schöne Idee das Rätsel. Schnell gefunden. TFTC

trovata 09. giugno 2019, 11:06 Parkemon ha trovato la geocache

Heute konnte ich endlich mal den Final dieses längst versenkten Caches besuchen. Ich weiss nicht mehr genau wie viele Versuche ich gebraucht hatte, aber es waren einige. Witzige Idee. Danke fürs Legen und Pflegen

trovata The geocache is in good or acceptable condition. 16. marzo 2019 Barfly ha trovato la geocache

Am Morgen startete ich zur Sportplatzrunde.
Die ersten beiden Stages konnte ich gut finden. An Stage 3 blieb mir der Mikro leider verborgen. Ein TJ konnte mit den Koordinaten von Stage 4 aushelfen, so dass ich doch noch zur Finaldose vorstossen konnte.
Unterweges besuchte ich noch den Tradi "Holz der Weisen" und den schon ewig versenkten "BattleCache!".
Danke für die schöen Runde!

Lg Barfly

trovata 05. agosto 2012 Die Batzen ha trovato la geocache


Lange Jahre haben wir uns selten die Zeit genommen, gefundene Dosen auch auf OC zu loggen - das holen wir jetzt sukzessive nach.

gefunden am 05.08.12

Usually it's quite annoying when you have to torture the geochecker, but this time it was fun!
After sinking the battleship some time ago, we had a nice walk today and found the well hidden battlecache in the woods.
Thanks for the cache!

trovata 25. febbraio 2012 Beute-Pfälzer ha trovato la geocache

Eigentlich bin ich kein Freund von solchen Spielen,doch dieses fesselte mich.Die ersten Versuche brachten mich schon recht nah.Doch dann gab es eine ungewollte Unterbrechung.Mit den gewonnen Erkenntnissen konnte ich aber direkt wieder einsteigen und bald gab der Checker grünes Licht.Heute nun machte ich eine kurze Wanderung und konnte die Dose schnell finden.

Der Beute-Pfälzer