Traditionele cache

ερημητήριο Αγία Ελεούσα - Eremitirio Agia Eleusa

a hidden rock church

door Pumuckel&Kuno     Griekenland

N 37° 35.500' E 022° 02.000' (WGS84)

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 Grootte: micro
Status: Beschikbaar
 Verborgen op: 19. juli 2024
 Published on: 19. juli 2024
 Laatste verandering: 20. juli 2024
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1808A

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Beschrijving    Deutsch  ·  English (Engels)  ·  Italiano

The small church is hidden in the rocks, and its location offers a wonderful view of the mighty Louisios Gorge, Dimitsana and Paliohori. The age of the small hermitage is unknown, but it was probably built during the centuries of Ottoman rule, when Christianity was being fought by the occupiers.
A large car park is located at the lost place of the Zatouna tourist pavilion. The descent begins a few steps north. The path to the church is accompanied by an iron railing, only interrupted for 60m in the small forest in the middle area. The path is of alpine nature, about 600m long, and leads about 120m down. The railing is not suitable for holding on to in places and you should definitely be able to walk sure-footed.

About 10m before the church you will see the conspicuous roots of a tree on the path, with a large bell hanging from it. At a height of about 210cm, on the left side, the petling is stuck in an root hole.
The church door is usually open. Please behave respectfully in the church and do not touch the holy objects - a well-hidden surveillance camera is there to ensure safety ;-)

Additional waypoints   andere coördinaatstelsel

N 37° 35.510'
E 022° 01.884'
στο τουριστικό περίπτερο Ζάτουνας LP
am Touristen-Pavillon Zatouna LP
at the tourist pavilion Zatouna LP
N 37° 35.511'
E 022° 01.905'
Weg Anfang
Point of interest
N 37° 35.430'
E 022° 01.945'
N 37° 35.409'
E 022° 01.977'
etwa (?)
Info The additional waypoints are shown on the map when the cache is selected, are included in GPX file downloads and will be sent to the GPS device.


Blick nach Dimitsana
Blick nach Dimitsana


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