Traditionele cache

IMC No. 3 P-BE - High - Falize

A wonderful point of view above the Amblève

door Captain Cook     België > Prov. Liège > Arr. Verviers

N 50° 24.453' E 005° 59.959' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: klein
Status: Beschikbaar
 Verborgen op: 29. april 2006
 Listed since: 13. augustus 2006
 Laatste verandering: 04. november 2020
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC232D
Ook gepubliceerd op: geocaching.com 

9 Gevonden
0 Niet gevonden
1 Opmerking
0 Volgers
0 Negeerders
99 Bekeken
3 Log pictures
Geokrety verleden

Large map


Beschrijving    English (Engels)

This cache can be searched and found like any other traditional cache, but …

… it can be the starting point for an international cooperation as well:
This cache is just one cache of a set of 12 caches named "IMC No. 3 …" (IMC = International Multi-Cache). These caches are hidden in 6 Countries worldwide: BE = Belgium, CA = Canada, DE = Germany, IT = Italy, PT = Portugal, US = USA.
In each country there is a "primary cache" like this one and a "secondary cache" that can only be found with "hints" distributed to all primary caches.
The 6 primary caches are named "IMC No. 3 P-x - yyy" and the 6 secondary caches "IMC No. 3 S-x - zzz" where x is the country code given above and yyy and zzz can be any additional name.
The hints for the secondary caches are printed on "lists of hints" that are inside the primary caches. As the primary caches are scattered all over the world it will either require a lot of travelling or - and that is the intention of the IMC No. 3 - international cooperation:
If you want to find the secondary cache as well, you should contact finders of other primary IMC No. 3 caches and exchange the hints.

And please don't be a poor sport!
Never publish these hints anywhere! Not in a log report or on any web side. The hints shall only be exchanged / traded between geocachers that found the primary caches and want to search the secondary caches.

The IMC No. 3 team wishes you good luck!

Table with links to all 12 IMC caches http://www.woelper.net/gc/imc-no3.php

As this is an international cache, logs should be in English! Translation in local language is welcome.

Don't forget: "Cache in, Trash out"

The Cache: The cache is hidden at N 50° 24.443 E 005° 59.958. The point of view is nearby at N 50° 24.440 E 005°59.938.

Since not all IMC 3 caches are in place, the HINT SHEET IS NOT YET AVAILABLE in the primary cache. I will send you a message with the hint sheet when all IMC no. 3 cache will be up and running.


Gecodeerde hint   Decoderen

orfvqr n gerr fghzc, haqre fgbarf



Cache location
Cache location
point of view
point of view


Zoek caches in de omgeving: alle - zoekbaar - zelfde cache soort
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Logs van IMC No. 3 P-BE - High - Falize    Gevonden 9x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 1x

Gevonden 21. mei 2022, 13:36 GEOrgCACHING heeft de cache gevonden

Gelogd met onze team-naam DNF

Vandaag hebben we hier een rondje gefietst/gelopen.

Ook IMC No. 3 P-BE - High - Falize was een van de door ons gevondene caches!

Dank je wel Captain Cook voor het leggen en onderhouden.

(Deutsch-Niederländische Freundschaft)
onderweg met GeoKars


Afbeeldingen voor deze log:
Bild 1Bild 1
Bild 2Bild 2
Bild 3Bild 3

Opmerking 04. november 2020 Captain Cook heeft een notitie geschreven

New, slightly different location, new cachebox, new spoiler pic!

Gevonden 21. mei 2016 Nordlandkai heeft de cache gevonden

Im zuge einer Motorradtour habe ich hier Station gemacht.
Leider war ich nicht alleine dort. Also habe ich erst einmal den schönen Ausblick bewundert. Danach waren die Muggels verschwunden. So konnte ich den Cache suchen und dank Spoilerbild sehr schnell finden.
Vielen Dank fürs zeigen und für den Cache.

Gevonden 10. september 2010 Team Eifelyeti heeft de cache gevonden

Sehr schöne Aussicht. Danke für's zeigen.

Team Eifelyeti


Gevonden 23. augustus 2007 antenne heeft de cache gevonden

We had a problem to find the right way, but when we arrived at the cache, we found it immedidately.
Thank you for the cache and best regards, Uwe and Anette

[This entry was edited by antenne on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 12:20:50 PM.]