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Short walk to an impressing waterfall, not very far from the highway

par Gavriel     Autriche > Oberösterreich > Traunviertel

N 48° 01.123' E 013° 48.121' (WGS84)

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 Taille : normal
Statut : disponible
 Caché en : 30. décembre 2003
 Affiché depuis : 24. août 2005
 Dernière mise à jour : 19. novembre 2005
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171 Visites de la page
1 Image de log
Histoire de Geokrety

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Description    Deutsch  ·  English (Anglais)

At N = 48° 00,926 / E = 13° 47,797 there is the official parking lot at the western side of the bridge, but you can also try to leave your car near N = 48° 00,952 / E = 13° 47,721 (there is a playground and a table). On the eastern side of the bridge there is a little "restaurant".
There is a (partly) paved track leading down to the fall. It took me less than an hour to walk down from the car, hide the cache and return. Therefore I guess that approximately 45 min should be enough for the cache-hunt (not accounting for staying a long time at the various vista-points).

Imagine the time when salt, the "white gold" was brought down the river on wooden rafts from the Salzkammergut. The waterfall was quite a challenge then. 1552 a wooden channel was built to bring the rafts down (the long ramp that is now used for the powerstation was part of that workaraound).

The Cache is a 500 ml plastic-box: Please do not remove Pencil, sharpener and Logbook.
GPS-Reception wasn't very good, the coordinates were taken from the measurement with the highest accuracy.
There was no one around when I hid the cache (no wonder: Winter, bad weather), on sunny summer-days this might be different.

Do not enter the river-bed (according to the warning signs there may be floods). Do not enter any of the small caves in the banks, they do not look very solid to my eyes.
Basically the waterfall can be visited any time, but there is no "winterservice". So be aware of the fact that it might be slippery and icy.

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Vafvqr n penpx pybfr gb gur yrsg raq bs fbzr fbeg bs byq jnyy. Arneolr na byq fgrrypnoyr jnf unatvat qbja gur ebpxf. N oynpx ohpxrg jnf unys-ohevrq gurer (znl or tbar).



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Logs pour Traunfall    trouvé 35x pas trouvé 0x Note 2x

Note 11. août 2024, 01:51 mudPiggy a écrit une note

Korrektur: Keine _leeren_ Logzettel vorhanden

trouvé 10. août 2024, 18:06 mudPiggy trouvé la géocache

Heute waren nur wenig muggel hier trotz des tollen wetters. Waren keine logzettel mehr drin. Hatten leider auch keine dabei. Thx!

Note 09. juillet 2023 Gavriel a écrit une note

Neues Döschen, spendiert von Zizi_Strizi, ist vor Ort

trouvé 07. septembre 2021, 13:06 SchatzsucheraufTour trouvé la géocache

Nach längerem Suchen fündig geworden.

TFTC und liebe Grüße,


trouvé 25. février 2021 Termite2712 trouvé la géocache

Der Besuch des Traunsfalls ist eigentlich ein "must seen" ;-)
Wirklich schön dort!