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Cologne Downtown

di Homer Jay     Germania > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 50° 56.211' E 006° 57.795' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: micro
Stato: archiviata
 Lunghezza percorso: 2.0 km
 Nascosta il: 04. marzo 2004
 Pubblicata dal: 04. settembre 2005
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 18. aprile 2015
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC00F6
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

36 trovata
4 non trovata
4 Note
1 Log manutenzione
0 Osservata
0 Ignorata
49 Pagina visite
4 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande


Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

Sightseeing in Cologne Downtown ! The tour is appr. 2.5 km long. Easy reachable by bus/train, free parking is not possible. Serveral garages are available e.g. at the Heumarkt N50° 56.197´ E006° 57.710´.

Start coordinates are above mentioned. You are moving in a relative small area (N50° 56.Y´ E006° 57.X´), therefore you have to calculate new values for Y and X. Remember : first * and /, then + and - ! A pocket calculator is helpful.

1. The "clock" has 6 o´ clock-position. The hands are showing which numbers ? A=number of the thin hand, B=number of the big hand.
2. How far is this building away from the moon ? C=add the digits of all km numbers.
3. Who is sitting on the bank ? You have to know the person or you have to asked. The plate on the bank won´t help you ! D=alphabet position of the first name (a=1, b=2, ....z=26), E= alphabet position of the surname
X=(B+C)*10+8 (take the way in SW direction)
4. How many persons kneeing inside the courtyard ? F=number of persons (if you cannot see them, watch out for a plate, F=crowns minus 1)
5. How deep is the shaft ? G=depth in meter
6. How many big stones has the top row of the old street ? H=number of stones
7. Here you can find plates with information about dimensions (only these !) of this building. I=number of plates upper row, J=number of plates lower row -1 (!).
8. Close to the cache ! look up : on the socket you will find a name of a city. K=alphabet position fourth letter.

Cache-Location : N50° 56.(K*40)´ E006° 57.(C+G+K)*10+I´

It seems worse than it is. Take the time you need and discover downtown. Don´t forget your camera ! Please be very carefully during pick up the cache. It is well hidden, but there are a lot of people anytime.
GPS signal maybe a little bit weak, but you can solve it. All coordinates are determined within 6 meter accuracy. Don´t forget your MagLite if you would like to do the tour at night.

Enjoy it !!!

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

pnpur : fgehg ng gur clyba haqre n guerr qvtvg ahzore



Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet LSG-Rhein_ Rheinauen u. Uferbereiche v.Flittard bi (Informazioni)

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Log per Cologne Downtown    trovata 36x non trovata 4x Nota 4x Manutenzione 1x

archiviata 18. aprile 2015 Homer Jay ha archiviato la cache

und tschüss

Nota 11. gennaio 2008 GeoFaex ha scritto una nota

Laut Owner-Log bei GC ist der Cache weg....



Team Opencaching.de 

trovata 02. dicembre 2007 Tünnes und Hexe ha trovato la geocache

Heute auch diesen "nebenbei Cache" abgeschlossen. Auf dem Plan stand noch die letzte Station und das Final. Die anderen Stationen aben wir im laufen der Zeit nebenbei immermalwieder eine gelöst.
Danke für die Dose und
Grüße von
dem Tünnes und der Hexe

PS. warum lagen am Final 3 leere Filmdosen in für Cacher üblichen Posen rum? Habe sie mal mitgenommen.

trovata 27. ottobre 2007 powermik ha trovato la geocache

Koelnausflug Tag 1 mit B_r_e_i_t_i und den M&Ms


trovata 27. ottobre 2007 M & Ms ha trovato la geocache

#7 on our trip to Cologne together with B_r_e_i_t_i and powermik

We were a bit confused to find out the number of stones at the old street (or even determine the old street). We had to ask a german tourist guide for the name of the person at the bench, too.

Somehow, this cache seems to be made for locals [:(] rather than for tourists.

The cache location isn't very nice, too.

No trade.

Martina & Michael