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Webcam Geocache


by bagsj     Austria > Wien > Wien

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 48° 13.474' E 016° 24.473' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: no container
Status: Archived
 Hidden on: 23 July 2005
 Listed since: 17 November 2005
 Last update: 17 January 2007
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC0CA1
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

10 Found
0 Not found
2 Notes
0 Watchers
0 Ignorers
25 Page visits
8 Log pictures
Geokrety history

Large map


Description    Deutsch  ·  English

Go to the coordinates. Be sure to be identified as geocacher. Call your webcam operator and take a picture.

If you can't organize an operator enter your data at http://www.elachimo.de/El-Achimo/geocaching/webcamservice/english.php and order the picture with a call.

Last but not least the link to the webcam:

Have fun!


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Log entries for Schifffahrtszentrum    Found 10x Not found 0x Note 2x

Note 31 December 2006 bagsj wrote a note

I don't think that the webcam will come back.Cry

Many thanks to all visitors!

Ich glaube nicht, dass die Webcam wiederkommen wird.Cry

Vielen Dank an alle Besucher!

Note 14 June 2006 bagsj wrote a note

Die Webcam zeigt im Augenblick leider nur einen Büroarbeitsplatz.

At the moment the cam shows only a workplace in an office.

Found 07 May 2006 aj-gps found the geocache

09:00 CEST (VCM2006)
The marathon runners where just passing the bridge, the police boat behind me watching them and grizz-gps taking this picture (thanks!)

Pictures for this log entry:
aj-gps with phone and police boataj-gps with phone and police boat

Found 07 April 2006 Mausbiber found the geocache

Typisches Frauenfoto :D
Fast abgeschnittene Köpfe!
Wir sind gaaaaanz unten bei den Tischen ... leider etwas im Schatten
lg die Mausbibers Susanna & Heinz

P.S. NACHTRAG, da wir uns erst am 13.5.06 bei Opencaching registriert haben.

Pictures for this log entry:
Mausbiber ganz unten im SchattenMausbiber ganz unten im Schatten

Found 26 March 2006 hixxx found the geocache

Weil wir gerade in der Nähe waren...

Dank an den trino für 's Ausrichten und Abdrücken!

Pictures for this log entry: