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This is a 4 stage multi cache which is best done by either car, motorbike or bicycle.

by alice     Germany > Hessen > Gießen, Landkreis

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 50° 39.675' E 008° 42.948' (WGS84)

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 Size: normal
Status: Archived
 Hidden on: 10 April 2003
 Listed since: 03 December 2005
 Last update: 20 April 2011
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC10B6
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

20 Found
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0 Watchers
1 Ignorers
113 Page visits
1 Log picture
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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

Start: N 50° 39.675 E 8° 42.948

There is a memorial of WW I. Watch out for a female name.
Call the corresponding date of death ab.cd.efgh

Each of the next stages has 50° N 8° E.
You will have to calculate the minutes from stage to stage.

2nd stage:
minutes(N) = a + 10*b + c + e + f + d/100
minutes(E) = Nordminuten - b*g*h/1000

You arrive in front of a building.
A flat metal key is hidden on the outside of its wall.
There are four digits engraved: klmn

3rd stage:
minutes(N) = (l + n)m + m*n/100
minutes(E) = 10*n + k + (k + n)/10 + l*n/100

There you see two cranes, one male, one female. What where their names?
For calculating the minutes(N) of the final stage you need the first name of
the male, i.e., just some of its letters and their "values" (A=1 ... Z=26).

minutes(N) = (6.letter)3 + 5.letter/100 + 6.letter/2000

For the minutes(E) just the same using the first name of the female:

minutes(E) = (5.letter)3 + (1.letter - 10)/10 + (4.letter - 2.letter)/100 + (3.letter)/1000

Please leave the pencil, eraser, logbook and stashnote in the cache!


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Log entries for Clochard    Found 20x Not found 0x Note 0x

Found 24 May 2009 severussnape found the geocache

Heute Mittag als Sonntagsradtour begonnen. Dann aber festgestellt, dass uns das doch etwas zu weit ist. Nach dem Abendessen die letzten Stationen noch schnell per Auto erledigt. Auch uns ist das Birdie zu groß gewesen.

In: Frosch Out: Off-Roader.

Danke für den schönen Cache.

Found 05 January 2009 Nexus69 found the geocache

Found 11 October 2008 Lunar82 found the geocache

Mit Boevent den Cache abgegrast.

Die verstecke waren allesamt sehr schön. Auch das Final war super zu erreichen und man hatte trotzdem alle Zeit der Welt und Ruhe vor Mugglern.

Hat Spaß gemacht!

Found 08 October 2008 boevent found the geocache

Sehr schöner Cache verbunden mit einer schönen Tour.

Auch der Final war in Ruhe zu betrachten!!!

Hab mal all meinen Kleinkram den ich gefunden habe gespendet ;)

IN: Kreisel, Spieß,  Pfeife, Bürste, Messerchen

OUT: Trackable Riesen Adler

Found 21 August 2008 Storkas found the geocache

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