Waypoint search: 
Traditional Geocache


by woffi     Austria > Tirol > Tiroler Oberland

N 46° 57.622' E 010° 11.653' (WGS84)

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 Size: normal
Status: Available
 Hidden on: 03 October 2003
 Listed since: 19 March 2006
 Last update: 17 September 2017
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1993
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

13 Found
0 Not found
1 Note
3 Watchers
0 Ignorers
259 Page visits
2 Log pictures
Geokrety history

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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

Little walk near Galtür

When the wheather does not allow any major mountain hikes, this cache may be something to do instead. Also very suitable as an apres-ski cache, but only if there is not much snow :-).

Additional hint   Decrypt

Frr fcbvyre sbgb





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Log entries for Galtür    Found 13x Not found 0x Note 1x

Found 19 September 2023, 21:19 team_GRLP found the geocache

👍 T4T$/DFDC! woffi👍 Danke fürs legen, herführen, hegen und (pf)legen von Galtür! 👍

Team GRLP (Hessen, 🇩🇪) - Nun ziert ein weiterer 😁 unsere Geocaching Karte!

Signature items (discovery only please):  GeoKret: UNS4S5 and GeoCoin: GW44X0

"Es ist schon ein Teil des Findens, wenn du weißt, was du zu suchen hast." (Augustinus von Hippo/Aurelius Augustinus) || "It's part of the finding if you know what you're looking for." (Saint Augustine of Hippo/Aurelius Augustine)

Found 05 July 2019, 14:48 lpanhirsch found the geocache

Found 09 August 2018, 18:31 Termite2712 found the geocache

Schneller Fund am Panoramaweg.
Der Dose und dem Logbuch geht's gut.

Found 20 July 2018, 11:15 beammeupscotty found the geocache

Super Platz  hier Danke Thx. Beammeupscotty

Found 25 July 2017, 09:10 climbingkurt found the geocache

Der Spaziergang um den Ort herum war trotz des Regenwetter eine Wohltat. Wir konnten raus.
Danke für das Legen des Cache von climbingkurt