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Zentralfriedhof 1. Tor

A walk through the old jewish part of the Central Cemetary

por bagsj     Austria > Wien > Wien

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N 48° 09.508' E 016° 25.995' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: normal
Estado: archivado
 Ocultos en: 29. mayo 2006
 Publicado desde: 31. mayo 2006
 Última actualización: 19. octubre 2012
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC1F28
También en la categoría de: geocaching.com 

34 encuentran
0 no encontrado
3 Notas
1 Watcher
0 Ignorado
210 Visitas
1 Log de la imagen
Historia Geokrety
3 Recomendaciones

Large map


Descripción    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglés)

This cache leads you through the old jewish sector of the Central Cemetary. The starting point can be reached with tramlines 6 and 71. Please have a look at the opening hours at http://www.wien.gv.at/kultur/friedhoefe/offen.html (german only). Please notice the special atmosphere of this place and behave respectful. During your walk there is no need to use your GPSr, but it is very recommendable to have a printout of the attached map with you.
ATTENTION: The tombstones are partly in a very bad condition. Please take care to stay on the paths during the tour - especially with kids.

Please consider that the additional links in the following text will lead to german speaking websites.

Let's start with some for most of us well known persons. Gerhard Bronner, Friedrich Torberg, Arthur Schnitzler and Oskar Strnad are buried side by side. Have a closer look at Friedrich Torbergs gravestone. Which is the most often used digit? Take this digit for A.

Not far away vou will find the crypt of the Rothschild's. You won't find the name on the first look. Therefore use the spoilerpic to find the crypt. Count the small "x" at the northeastern side of the crypt. The number is F.

The tomb of Max Fleischer (Architect, from 1868 to 1887 responsible for the erection of the new Viennese town hall, spezialised for the erection of synagogues) was renovated by apprentices of the "Wiener Gewerbe". Transform the months of beginning and ending of the renovation into the corresponding numbers. The difference of both values is E.

The tomb of Gustav Pick is only a few steps away. It is not readable who was the husband of Charlotte Pick, but you can read the year he has died. Take the sum of the digits of the sum of the digits of the year he died to get C.

In some distance is the tomb of the family Gerngross. How many persons are buried here? If you follow the way to gate 11 you will find at your left hand the tomb of Eduard Bacher (chief editor and publisher of the "Neuen Freien Presse"), but nearly vis a vis of the grave of the family Gerngross is the grave of a family named Bacher, too. Maybe they are relatives of the chief editor. How often can you find the name Bacher at this gravestone? The sum of both numbers is B.

When you've found Johann Kremenetzky, turn around. Where Dina Samers comes from is not quite clear, but you can find the age she died. Take the first digit for D.

If you want to verify your results, visit on your way to Gate 11 the memorial for the jewish soldiers of the k.u.k. army in WW1 and of the members of the Bundesheer in the 1st republic, who became victims of the Shoah. Add on all digits on the german plate. The result is 4 more than the sum of all previous found variables.

Please leave the graveyard at gate 11. The cache is hidden outside the area. There is no need to cross the railway in any forbidden or dangerous way, to reach the hideout! You will find it at

N 48° 09.ABC
E 016° 25.DEF

Please leave logbook, cachenote, pencil and sharpener in the cache. There are some other trading items, too.  ;) To go back to the city you can take the municipial railway S7 (every 30 minutes) or walk back to the starting point.

V 1.1.b / 2008-10-18


Spoiler F
Spoiler F
Übersichtsplan / Map
Übersichtsplan / Map


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Log de entrada por Zentralfriedhof 1. Tor    encuentran 34x no encontrado 0x Nota 3x

encuentran 29. mayo 2017 luzzi-reloaded ha encontrado el geocache

auf gc.com gefunden

encuentran 30. diciembre 2014 npg ha encontrado el geocache

Ich war ja erst einmal kurz am Zentralfriedhof...im Zuge des Rundumadum.
Heute dafür ausgiebig und dem Orte entsprechend natürlich eher andächtig...aber doch cacheorientiert [:D]... unterwegs.
Dank ausführlichem Listing auch problemlos alles nötige gefunden und nach kurzem Vertipper doch noch zum Final gelangt.
thx npg

encuentran 26. junio 2013 Eagle_ ha encontrado el geocache

interessant, was für unterschiedliche Grabsteine und Gruften es da gibt.

encuentran 26. enero 2012 pri0n ha encontrado el geocache

Diesen Teil des Zentralfriedhofes haben wir erst durch diesen Cache kennengelernt - da gibt es ja einiges zu sehen! Bei winterlich-kühlem Wetter waren wir heute dort nahezu allein und hatten genug Zeit zum Umsehen und auch zum Suchen der Stationen - die Lage des Finalplatzes hat uns dann ein bisserl überrascht, dafür war das Doserl bei den ermittelten Koordinaten umso schneller entdeckt


encuentran 31. julio 2011 Die Archäologen ha encontrado el geocache

Heute bei düsterem Regenwetter gehoben! THX