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Logeinträge für Gigilos – 1.980 m
23. September 2021, 10:39 sams44 hat den Geocache gefunden
Sehr gerne logge ich auch diesen OC, so weit südlich hatte ich sicher noch keinen - Danke fürs Paralell-"Universum" ...!
The Gigilos was planed in my travel-agenda for today, and that was a fortune, as the Gorge of Samaria was closed for today because of the weatherforecast (at least the gorge stayed dry abd almost sunny - I had to longer breaks on my way to the summit for waiting that the nozzling rain will stop...).
100m before arriving at the first summit (the minor-summit) clouds disapered and the blue sky came out for all the rest.
Lots of interessting Spots and landscape were to see on that hike and the walk through the stone-layrinth to the main-summit was a nice experence to!
And of corse to interrupt the great views in all directions to find the cache up here!
TFTC & FP in
from sams44 !
29. April 2018, 14:37 TofLaBeuze hat den Geocache gefunden
A great hike ! Beautiful landscapes during 7h. The last part of the summit was a bit hard but the health is here :)
The box is in good state.
Efkaristo ! Thanks for this opencache !
[Géocaching par Tof](https://tofgeocaching.wordpress.com/sommaire/)
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30. Mai 2014 luxi hat den Geocache gefunden
It was a great walk and I enjoyed the Gigilos scenery very much. And honestly, I wouldn't have walked to the second summit if there were no cache. Thanks for hiding!
Log entry copied from Geocaching.com