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Geocache Tradicional

Sicilia: Selinunte

por Trollmond     Italia > Sicilia

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N 37° 36.358' E 012° 50.273' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: pequeño
Estado: archivado
 Ocultos en: 29. abril 2011
 Publicado desde: 29. abril 2011
 Última actualización: 02. marzo 2013
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OCC471
También en la categoría de: geocaching.com 

1 encuentran
0 no encontrado
0 Notas
0 Observado
0 Ignorado
43 Visitas
0 Los de imagenes
Historia Geokrety

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Descripción    English (Inglés)

Selinunte is an ancient Greek archaeological site on the south coast of Sicily, southern Italy, between the valleys of the rivers Belice and Modione in the province of Trapani. The archaeological site contains five temples centered on an acropolis. Of the five temples, only the Temple of Hera, also known as "Temple E", has been re-erected.
More information at Wikipedia: (visit link)

The cache is not hidden inside the archeological area - you have to drive out of Marinella (to the North) and take the Via Leandro to the West to reach the hiding place.

Enjoy exploring the temples,


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Log de entrada por Sicilia: Selinunte    encuentran 1x no encontrado 0x Nota 0x

encuentran 19. agosto 2011 zennehoy ha encontrado el geocache

A short side-trip after visiting the temples and the cache was ours.

Thanks for posting this cache on opencaching!