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Geocache Tradicional

Hestad Kapell

por Trollmond     Noruega > Vestlandet > Sogn og Fjordane

N 61° 19.760' E 005° 56.183' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: pequeño
Estado: disponible
 Ocultos en: 01. agosto 2011
 Publicado desde: 01. agosto 2011
 Última actualización: 01. agosto 2011
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OCCE26

1 encuentran
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2 Observado
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96 Visitas
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Historia Geokrety

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Descripción    English (Inglés)

Hestad Kapell

Hestad Kapell, locally also called Øyrakyrkja, is situated on the narrow land tongue that separates Hestadfjord from Viksdalsvatnet in Gaular municipality in Sogn og Fjordane county. The little long-church was built in 1805, but parts of the previous church, a stave church dating back to medieval times, were used when the chapel was set up. The earliest mentioning of Hestad Kapell is 1327, then called "Capella de herstadum".
The chapel has since 1917 been owned by the Ancient Monuments Society, and it works mainly as a museum church. A few regular church services are held every year and it is possible to get married there.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Enjoy this place,

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ng gur abegurnfg pbeare bs gur jnyy, bhgfvqr, 40pz yrsg bs "TERAFR"



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encuentran 12. julio 2016, 15:17 Canilu ha encontrado el geocache

This cache was found quickly. A very nice place although the weather was ugly.