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Traditional Geocache

Im neuen Wald

Schöne Ecke zum wandern, ob kurz, oder lang, Schöne Aussicht rüber nach Mackenbach. Bitte wieder gut tarnen.

by Rangierer     Germany > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Rhein-Sieg-Kreis

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 50° 52.846' E 007° 14.008' (WGS84)

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 Size: normal
Status: Archived
 Hidden on: 29 October 2011
 Listed since: 29 October 2011
 Last update: 01 January 2012
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OCD5E3

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1 Note
0 Watchers
0 Ignorers
36 Page visits
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Description    Deutsch (German)


This geocache is probably placed within the following protected areas (Info): Naturpark Bergisches Land (Info)

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Note 01 January 2012 Bundy609 wrote a note

Auf wunsch des Owners habe ich diesen Cache Archiviert.



Bundy609 (OC-Admin)