


Via Alpina - the Gate to the Mediterranean

This Multi- Cache takes you along the first stretch of the Red Trail of the Via Alpina

door micha_riz     Frankrijk

Attentie! Deze cache is "Gearchiveerd"! Er bevind zich geen behuizing op de aangegeven (of uitgerekende) coördinaten. Het is dan ook raadzaam om deze cache niet te gaan zoeken!

N 43° 44.053' E 007° 25.076' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: groot
Status: Gearchiveerd
 Verborgen op: 31. juli 2013
 Published on: 05. februari 2014
 Laatste verandering: 13. augustus 2017
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1078B

0 Gevonden
0 Niet gevonden
1 Opmerking
2 Maintenance logs
1 Watcher
0 Negeerders
220 Bekeken
0 Log pictures
Geokrety verleden

Large map


Preparation needed

Beschrijving    English (Engels)


Fully integrated in the environment by using mostly virtual caches as well as riddles, the sustainable Multi- Cache will take you through breathtaking landscapes, ancient villages and unique spots encompassing Monaco, Italy and France.

The Via Alpina is a network of 5 walking trails across the eight countries of the Alpine region, more than 5000km long and with 342 day stages. This Multi- Cache is placed along the first 13 stages of the Red Trail of the Via Alpina, from Monaco to Castérino.

Like other Multi- Caches this cache involve more locations, with the final location being a physical container with a logbook inside. It uses "virtual" stages without containers (like virtual caches). The location of the final stage is determined from information found on existing objects, monuments, plaques, public art or places. You find the locations of all stages but the final published, and each of these stages provides part of the information needed to find the final.

Combine serious wanderlust with a hunger for treasure hunting!!


Riddle: Final Cache 

In order to find the final Cache simply fill in your answers in the appropriate blanks.

N[(F*L) -D]°0.[A+C][N]   E00[K]°[(G*H)*I].[J-M][E][O]

The right coordinates will lead you to a comfortable Auberge where you can fill up your Energy and where you should ask for the treasure chest. All the best!

Additional waypoints   andere coördinaatstelsel

Stage or reference point
N 44° 05.976'
E 007° 25.076'
Starting Point:
The train is the easiest and most comfortable way to reach Monaco. Close to the train station you will find the tourist information where you can get a city map of Monaco. This starting point is in walking distance. Here you will find information about the Via Alpina and its spirit.
Stage or reference point
N 43° 44.240'
E 007° 24.237'
Waypoint A:
This location offers a stunning sea view. What letter do you see on the ground?
a) T (=0)
b) H (=1)
c) S (=2)
A= _____
Stage or reference point
N 43° 44.780'
E 007° 24.041'
Waypoint B:
Air-drying uses less energy, which saves money and makes less of an impact on the environment. How many piece of clothing do hang on the clothesline?
a) 5
b) 1
c) 27
Stage or reference point
N 43° 46.712'
E 007° 22.956'
Waypoint C:
After a steep ascent you will find a water fountain at the beginning of the small village Peillon. Find the house number 2: Count the number of stairs leading to the door.
a) 32
b) 8
c) 76
Stage or reference point
N 43° 48.177'
E 007° 24.085'
Waypoint D:
The village square of Peille invites to linger a while. Fill up your energy tank at the small restaurant, the grocery shop or the bakery. The square is named after a famous poet, composer and controversial live performer whose career in France dominated the years after the Second World War until his death. What`s his name? Look out for a stone tablet.
a) Leo Ferré (=20)
b) Georges Brassens (=40)
c) Jacques Brel (=60)
Stage or reference point
N 43° 50.702'
E 007° 24.698'
Waypoint E:
Count the number of rungs on a green ladder.
a) 2
b) 5
c) 7
E= ____
Stage or reference point
N 43° 53.519'
E 007° 27.062'
Waypoint F:
By the wayside you will find a round stone. Which roman number is engraved?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 8
Stage or reference point
N 43° 55.025'
E 007° 27.062'
Waypoint G:
Welcome to the “Parc Natural du Mercantour”. Which of the following activities is not allowed?
a) hiking (=10)
b) cycling (=5)
c) bird watching (=15)
Stage or reference point
N 43° 57.573'
E 007° 31.805'
Waypoint H:
What`s the name of this path? Look out for a yellow plaque.
a) Sentier Vallée de la Roya (=3)
b) Sentier Vallée de la Fontan (=6)
c) Sentier Vallée de la Menton (=9)
H= ______
Stage or reference point
N 43° 58.009'
E 007° 36.038'
Waypoint I:
What do you find at the mountain pass?
a) Symbol of Prisoners of War (=22)
b) Symbol of oil Industry (=12)
c) Symbol of Christianity (=2)
I= _____
Stage or reference point
N 43° 58.201'
E 007° 38.406'
Waypoint J:
Which year is engraved in the border stone with the letter I?
a) 158
b) 355
c) 227
J= _ _ _ -> find the sum of the numbers _ _-> find the sum again _
Stage or reference point
N 44° 02.203'
E 007° 41.003'
Waypoint K:
You will find a stone with the name of “Gemellaccio Triora Briga”. Which date is engraved on this stone?
a) 22.04.97
b) 27.09.02
c) 31.07.05
K= _ _ _ -> find the sum of the numbers _ _-> find the sum again _
Stage or reference point
N 44° 03.672'
E 007° 42.752'
Waypoint L:
On the way down towards the giant Jesus statue you will pass by a big memorial stone of the “alpine convention”. How many countries does the Alpine Convention involve?
a) The European Union and (2) states.
b) The European Union and (8) states
c) The European Union and (15) states.
Stage or reference point
N 44° 05.077'
E 007° 52.365'
Waypoint M:
Which Forte can you find on the Colle di Nava? You are looking for a cut-out” type, in a polygonal-shaped layout deep stretching out into an “S”.
a) Forte Richermo (=100)
b) Forte Bellarasco (=10)
c) Forte Centrale (=1)
Stage or reference point
N 43° 09.368'
E 008° 00.996'
Waypoint N:
How high is the mountain “Galero”?
a) 1271 m
b) 1708 m
c) 1921 m
N= _ _ _ -> find the sum of the numbers _ _-> find the sum again _
Stage or reference point
N 43° 08.754'
E 007° 44.768'
Waypoint O:
The Natural Parc Marguareis is famous for it’s unique
a) Caves (=1)
b) beaches (=10)
c) crocodiles (=100)
Stage or reference point
N 44° 11.329'
E 007° 41.291'
Waypoint P:
The hut is named after a famous person of the region. Where was he born?
a) Limone (=20)
b) Cuneo (=10)
c) Mandoví (=6)
Info The additional waypoints are shown on the map when the cache is selected, are included in GPX file downloads and will be sent to the GPS device.


Via Alpina Landscape
Via Alpina Landscape
Above the Sea
Above the Sea
The Cacheguard
The Cacheguard


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Logs van Via Alpina - the Gate to the Mediterranean    Gevonden 0x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 1x Maintenance 2x

OC-Team Gearchiveerd 13. augustus 2017 mic@ has archived the cache

As announced in my prior log this listing will be archivied now. The owner can easily reacitvate the listing by his own if everythng is ok again. If You need help, just contact me or the team .

mic@ (OC-Support)

OC-Team Tijdelijk niet beschikbaar The geocache description is outdated. 13. juli 2017 mic@ has disabled the cache

Our terms of use say that listing must be synchronized if published on multiple platforms. Unfortunately there are many differences between this listing and the one on geocaching.com (GC4WTK9). Here is the list: Different answers for waypoints "O" and "P", the final formula differs slightly and the D/T-rating is not the same. The owner should update his listing, meanwhile I deactivate it. If I don´t get any feedback within one month (13-aug-2017), then this listing will be archived.
If You need more informations or if you have questions, then just contact me or the team.

mic@ (OC-Support)

Opmerking The geocache needs maintenance. 09. mei 2016 Frank_Z heeft een notitie geschreven

I have read about this project on the via alpina website a long time ago.

Today I finally came across this cache listing.

While looking at the waypoints, there are some errors with the waypoints N and O, North should be 44 instead of 43. Same for the starting point I think.

I have hiked the northern part of the GTA and will finish some day and maybe be able to find the information for this cache.