【ツ】 WebCam-Livestream
von viperbruno Irland > Border, Midland and Western > Border
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Beschreibung English
Carrickmacross lies on the Irish border and is the second largest town in County Monahan.
The webcam look north of Main Street, offering live traffic updates and weather conditions.
If the webcam is offline, please take a photo of yourself or your GPS/smartphone, showing the webcam in the background.
Go to the above coordinates.
You will be in front of a webcam that takes a picture every few seconds.
picture: Carrickmacross @ carrickmacross.ie
Now you need someone to save the picture of yourself taken by the webcam or save it as a screenshot on your smartphone.
To log this cache, you have to post this picture.
The picture should allow to identify you as a geocacher.
How you do that is up to you:
holding up an umbrella, banners, warning vests, balloons, headlights, or cheering into the camera... all the purpose is welcome!
Suche Caches im Umkreis:
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suchbare -
gleiche Cacheart
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Logeinträge für WebCam - Carrickmacross, North
07. Mai 2023 BeechhillBandits hat den Geocache gefunden
Had a lovely lunch in The Shirley Arms Hotel while we were here TFTC
Bilder für diesen Logeintrag: