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Beschreibung English
Go to the above coordinates.
You will be in front of a webcam that takes a picture every few seconds.
picture: Hales Market @ balticlivecam.com
Now you need someone to save the picture of yourself taken by the webcam or save it as a screenshot on your smartphone.
To log this cache, you have to post this picture.
The picture should allow to identify you as a geocacher.
How you do that is up to you:
holding up an umbrella, banners, warning vests, balloons, headlights, or cheering into the camera... all the purpose is welcome!
The Old Town has a variety of architectural styles such as gothic, classicism, baroque and modern, which, surely, attracts a huge amount of tourists. One of these examples is the Hales Market, which can be seen on the webcam.
Having been opened in 1906 and constructed by a renowned Lithuanian architect Vaclav Mihnevich, it is still the biggest market in Vilnius and one of the most popular trade centers in the Old Town. Upon visiting the market, one can purchase several kinds of smoked and fresh meat, fruit, vegetables and other food and everyday products.
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Logeinträge für WebCam - Hales Market
24. Juni 2023, 01:58 Debesyla hat den Geocache gefunden