Interesting building with a simple puzzle for beginners
par andrybak Allemagne > Bayern > München, Kreisfreie Stadt
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This place was a sandlot in 2008. Since then, an office building has been built here. It's called "Nord 88". I don't know why is it called like that. My theory is that it's named so because of the shape of the building. If you look at it from the top, it looks like two digits 8 on top of each other.
Nearby is the former München Olympiastadion S-Bahn station, which was built for 1972 Olympic Games. The station was closed in 1988. The tracks leading to the station were disassembled in 2003. There are a lot of rabbits in the bushes around the Nord 88 building and the derelict station.
The building is so complex, the locals need a map to navigate it. There is an alley going in the north-south direction. Count the maps located along the alley. This is number A. A = _______
Count floors of the building. This is number B. B = _______
Solve the following for X, Y, Z, and W:
X = A + B + 2
Y = B × 10 × A × B + (A + B + 1)
Z = (B + A) × (B − A)
W = 219 − A
To double check your calculations:
X = 20 − 2×A − B
Y = (A + B) × 100 − A × B × B + 1
Z = B × 7 − A × 5
W = 261 − A×7 − B×5
The cache is located at:
48°X.Y'N 11°Z.W'E
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Vg'f haqre gur oraq. Ernpu haqre jvgu lbhe unaq.
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Logs pour Nord Achtundachtzig
28. octobre 2024 andrybak a maintenu la géocache
Der Cache ist wieder an seinem Platz.
The cache is back in its place.
24. septembre 2024 andrybak a désactivé la géocache
Deutsch: Am Versteck wird gebaut. Vorübergehend entfernt, um den Verlust der Dose zu vermeiden.
English: There is construction at the hiding place. Temporarily removed to avoid losing the can.
10. octobre 2022, 15:00 andrybak a maintenu la géocache
Ich habe die mathematischen Berechnungen überprüft und die resultierenden Koordinaten liegen innerhalb von 1 Meter vom Container. Ich habe den Hinweis geändert.
English: I checked the math calculations and resulting coordinates are within 1 meters of the container. I changed the hint.
Dernière modification le 29. octobre 2022
23. juin 2022, 19:40 Schatzforscher trouvé la géocache
Schönes Gebäude. Es macht bestimmt dort Lust arbeiten zu wollen. Das Final zu finden ist dann etwas tricks, denn die Finalkoordinaten liegen ziemlich im Off. Dann nur Dank des Hints das Döschen gefunden.
Vielen herzlichen Dank für den Cache sagt der
17. octobre 2021, 17:00 andrybak a maintenu la géocache
Ich habe heute den Cache überprüft. Gleicher Ort, alles gut.
I have checked the cache today. Same place, all good.