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Traditional Geocache

Kippers on the Rocks

Tribute cache to the 20th anniversary of Denmark's first: Kippers in the Jungle (GC6A)

by kseistrup     Denmark

N 55° 04.883' E 014° 42.700' (WGS84)

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 Size: large
Status: Available
 Time required: 1:00 h   Route: 2.0 km
 Hidden on: 30 September 2020
 Published on: 30 September 2020
 Last update: 21 February 2021
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1657E

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189 Page visits
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This cache was placed on the 30th September 2020, exactly 20 years after Denmark's first: Kippers in the Jungle (GC6A, see https://coord.info/gc6a for details). The name refers to the rocky island of Bornholm in general, and the boulders around the cache in particular.


Apart from a handwritten card that serves as a First Finder's Certificate, and a lot of children's toys, the cache initially contains a pair of kippers made from driftwood. These wanderlust kippers would like to visit Kippers in the Jungle where it all began in Denmark 20 years ago. And if somebody could attach a travel bug or summat to these kippers it would be great — that way we won't lose them in Arizona like we did with their kippers sisters.


The recommended — and most scenic — way to find the cache is to follow the coastline all the way from Galløkken Strand near the industrial harbour of Rønne, and then turn left when your GPS tells you to. Finding the cache and going back this way may take up to an hour or so, and you may have to climb a few rocks for every bend on the beach, depending on the current sea level.


You may also reach the cache from the land side and the parking lot relatively nearby. The terrain is somewhat hilly and you may have to do some bushwacking, even if a hiking trails leads all the way to the cache.

In any case, I hope you enjoy this little adventure.


Spread the love!!!


PS: The cache doubles as a NANO spot — see https://www.wenano.net/ for details.

Additional hint   Decrypt

Gur pnpur vf uvqqra haqre gur ebbgf bs gur nfu gerr ba gur yrsg fvqr bs gur fznyy perrx jura lbhe onpx vf gbjneqf gur bprna.



The creek of Kippers on the Rocks
The creek of Kippers on the Rocks
The initial cache
The initial cache
The cache in the creek before being stashed away
The cache in the creek before being stashed away


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