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Logeinträge für Hang around / Herumhängen
18. Oktober 2008 M & Ms hat den Geocache gefunden
1st one together with b_r_e_i_t_i and powermik this weekend.
A nice and rather short tour through a well known area. Lots of memories every now and then. At the final coordinates we knew we were right. The cache was found at first sight. [:D]
It is always funny to see how all the caches of The_Plank make us feel like home. We really know every road, every church and every stone 'round here.
This cache is somehow a well-done "best-of". [^]
Two days later, our landlady asked us what we would do today. (We come here since 5 years and she never asked why...) We told her something about "hiking around". She then said, she would give us her "books of stones of the area" the next time so we could go and find the interesting stones.
She looking quite astonished when we told her the names of 7-8 stones around and we mentioned some other places, too. [:D]
Thanks for showing us around again!!
No trade.
Martina & Michael
[This entry was edited by M & Ms on Sunday, October 19, 2008 at 8:52:23 PM.]
19. Mai 2007 ime hat den Geocache gefunden
21. April 2006 Da.Verna&Di.Andre hat den Geocache gefunden
Our 9th Doserl, the last for today.
Had fear of the schizophrenic land owner, but thanks god, nothing happened...
The most innovate "pütz" hideout we have ever seen! hihi
IN: Extremly nice mussle, Les Baiser du Dragon.
OUT: The biggest Plank Crystal
30. Juli 2005 Chiroptera hat den Geocache gefunden
Die Internet-vorarbeit hat Martin gemacht, den Rest haben wir gemeinsam ermittelt. Hat zwar gedauert und meine Geh/Autofahr Bilanz ist deutlich negativ ausgefallen, aber das wird nicht der einzige Cache sein, wo das so ist....
Sehr kreativer Hidingplace.
Danke, Dunja
in: TB Pinguin, Klamerentferner
out: Kristall
30. Juli 2005 bevema hat den Geocache gefunden
The 'a e b f c d g b a g' was a real bummer, we almost drove around useless with our cachemobile. Some stages were solved as homework, but a visit IRL to them is still strongly advised. While the womanized part searched for the Graslstone, we planned our future steps on the notebook, supported by a shady resting place and a digital AMAP ;).
Stage 5 was interesting, stage 6 was done in advance, stage 7 not at all. Stage 8 ws very nice, even when closed, never saw such a nice owergrown forge before. Interlude done as homework in advance, stage 9 as drive-by. The formula for stage 10 was quite tricky, but my companions did it on paper, so I gave Excel a rest. The physically stage let some questions arise (why we ?, why now ?, why ?), but unrealistic results were soon removed, as we refused to leave the country for finding the cache.
While enjoying a pleasant dinner in Litschau at the Tröpferl (the Litschauer Gröst'l is very recommendable) we sent our alter egos to pay a visit to the schizophrenic owner and retrieve the cache :o).
Afterwards, it took me almost 10 hours to decide what to trade, but as it was within a time warp , no harm was caused 8D.
With best thanks to thePlank, Martin of BeVeMa (11:59 p.m., phew !!)
In: big blue paper-clip
Out: jumping jack (the flash was gone already