Beschreibung English
Everybody visit My Son.
But if you don´t have enough from Cham-sanctuaries go to
N 15° 36.947 E 108°26.562
You will see the towers of Chien Dan.
Before you log your find I need an answer:
What do you see about 15 m infront of the gate under a tree?
After I get your mail I will answer.
If you have enough energy - 10 km from here to the south - you can see the ruins of Khuong My at
N 15° 32.875 E 108° 30.342
You can do this Cham-trip by motorcycle, taxi,...
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Logeinträge für Chien Dan Sanctuary
06. November 2019, 14:00 Bolle hat den Geocache gefunden
A trip to the Chien Dan Sanctuary is highly recommended. You will be in a lovely countryside and aside the inrush of tourists.
The same applies to the towers of Khuong My in the south of Tam Ky, which are mentioned in the description. Both are worth for for a visite.
Many thanks to mindex for creating this cache :)
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