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Logeinträge für Post It
11. Oktober 2009 AlterWandersmann hat den Geocache gefunden
Gefunden; In: Postkarte Burg D.L.; Out´: Postkarte Koralpe
27. Juli 2008 Schuhhirsch hat den Geocache gefunden
Der Weg vom Parkplatz zum Cache ist uns nicht ganz leicht gefallen, da wir den richtigen (?) auf den ersten Blick als Sackgasse betrachtet haben. Im zweiten Anlauf (nachdem wir die Karte am Parkplatz erneut befragt haben) war's dann kein Problem, ein freundlicher Herr wollte uns auch noch weitere Spazierziele näherbringen.
Lalex konnte die Box während meine Pinkelpause bergen, somit ist das unser erster Letterbox :-)
In: Postkarte, Zahnrad
Out: Postkarte
Danke für den Spaziergang!
01. Dezember 2007 cezanne hat den Geocache gefunden
As I went to bed too late last night and did not get up earky enough today to be able to go for along hiking cache, I decided to visit this cache which has been on my list for quite a while. Moreover, I needed to drop off a TB and was
looking for a cache where the chances that I can find it are reasonably high. (Pr3ach3rman's caches fit into this category.)
Fortunately, I found a postcard and a stamp at home - so I could start for this cache without having to buy a card and a stamp first.
I parked my car at the suggested coordinates. Before going for the cache, I visited the church which was already known to me from a previous visit. Unfortunately, the interior has been baroquicized as in so many other Austrian churches as well.
I somehow did not find the right approach to the cache location and had to pass a thorny area and had to climb twice under a fence. I do not know how I could have reached the cache in a better way. The reception was a bit jumpy, but after a few minutes of search I found the cache. It is in good condition. I am wondering why this cache is classified as a letterbox hybrid as it neither contains a stamp nor does the cache description contain letterbox style clues. A cache which is used as a sort of post office is something different than a letterbox cache.
Anyway, the location of the cache is nice and it is possible to go for an extended walk. I was glad that the area was snow-free today as I am not at all eager at the moment to be confronted with snowy and slippery paths. The higher summits which can be seen from Trahuetten were, however, covered with snow. What a difference when compared with last Winter when I visited the Speik in November.
Although I grew up in Styria, I never have used the t-bar lift which used to be close to the cache location. My associations with alpine skiing and t-bar lifts are predominantly negative.
Thanks for motivating me to visit Trahuetten once more.
In: Post card, TB from 0 to 60 in 3.6 seconds
Out: Post card
PS: I think that 2* would suffice as terrain rating.
30. November 2007 Lord Harry hat den Geocache gefunden
Irgdenwie hat mich der große Wurzelstock magisch angezogen...
so bin ich erst nach owner-telefonjocker auf die richtige Lockation gestoßen [B)]
TFTC XCSL (excange card)
Lord Harry
10. November 2007 meliponini hat den Geocache gefunden
Vom empfohlenen Parkplatz aus den Gipfel erstürmt um wenige Augenblicke später die Box in den Händen zu halten (auch wenn uns unsere GPSr ein wenig in die Irre führen wollten).
TFTC meliponini
IN/OUT: Postkarte